Friday, 27 February 2015

Home learning - Year Three, Friday 27th February

1. Thinking about what archaeologists find:

What 1000 year old things do archaeologists find? – Make a list.

What 1000 year old things do archaeologists not find?  - Make a list.

 Complete the activity sheet – "Anglo-Saxon Remains” (created by English Heritage).

2. Times Tables
The children had another "Times Tables Quiz" today.
There will be another one on Friday next week.
The children should know which "quiz/test they need to practise for:
2x and 10x     or     3x and 5x      or      4x and 8x

Many Thanks,
Duncan MacBean

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Yeh Shen Writing

Today the children enjoyed doing some writing about their "Yeh Shen" drama experience with Mr. Stone. We will be putting up a display of this in the corridor by the hall.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tuesday Mixed Year 1 and Year3 Drama sessions.

Today we had fun mixing with the children in Year One.
We did an activity based on the book "How to Train Your Dragon" (by Cressida Cowell) led by Mrs. Thorpe.
We did an activity based on the book "Unicorns! Unicorns!" (by Geraldine McCaughrean) led by Mr. MacBean.
Lots of excellent written work was created from the two drama inputs.
Well done Years 1 and 3!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Well done to our visiting B.Ed. students from Plymouth University for running and exciting drama session on Monday based on Roald Dahl's popular story "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The children enjoyed "getting into role" as the "Golden Ticket Winners" and writing up news reports.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Chinese Drama Activity Wednesday

Wednesday 25th February – Chinese Cinderella Drama
Dear Parents,
The children in Year 3 are going to be taking part in a drama session called “Yeh Shen”. This is a Chinese version of the story of “Cinderella”.

Mr. Stone, who is leading the session, has asked the children to bring in dressing gowns and pyjamas to put on over their clothes to liven the drama up a bit. Any Chinese artefacts would also be great. (Nothing too precious)
Please bring these in a labelled plastic bag.

Many Thanks,
Duncan MacBean

Friday, 13 February 2015

Anglo-Saxons - Home Learning

Spring Half Term Holiday   - Year 3 Home Learning
What can you find out about The Anglo-Saxons?
- their homes, family life, customs, religion, wars, kings/queens, when/where they lived.
It would be great if you could present some of your findings:
Maybe a short piece of writing, or diagrams, or pictures etc

Have a great holiday!


Thursday, 12 February 2015


Merci Bien!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who attended our French cafe! C'etait superb!!!! Lots of French spoken (with excellent accents I must say!), everyone enjoyed our coking, great French dancing in Year 3 and brilliant ICT-a very successful French afternoon!!!!!

Year  3 and 4 Team!!!!!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Rice Farming in India

Today Mr Farrington taught the class about how rice is grown in India as part of our Farm to Fork Week.
See if the children can tell you something about what they have learnt using these photos!

Fixing Punctures and "Love My Bike"

On Tuesday we an interesting time with Jonathan Dixon (our Sustrans Cycling Officer) looking at bikes and learning how to fix a puncture. The children enjoyed the mechanical nature of the session.
Well done to the children in Year 3 who dressed up their bikes and scooters for "Love My Bike Day". We had some fantastically decorated bikes and scooters.

Monday, 9 February 2015


In Maths this week we are going to be "Doubling Numbers".
Some of the children will be partitioning the numbers into hundreds, tens and ones - doubling the different parts - and then putting them back together to find the doubled total.
Please practise some doubling at home this week.

Cereal Boxes

We hope that the children enjoyed the breakfast cereal that they brought home at the weekend.
The main focus of the classroom activity that led to this was "Shell Structures" - By this we mean the 2-dimensional shape that folds to make the 3-dimensional box (for storing the cereal).
The children had lots of fun designing their boxes, and then cutting, "scoring", folding and sticking them into the 3-dimensional shape.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Home learning Activity - 6th Feb

Year Three “Home Learning” week of Friday 6th February
Here is my description of a dragon:

Serpenta, the dragon, had lived for a thousand years terrorising the inhabitants of the the Morgon Mountains. While not out terrorising poor villagers, he lay curled around his hoard of treasure, deep in the heart of an active volcano.

His body was covered in a glorious cloak of armoured golden scales, while beneath he was a pure turquoise blue. His claws were as sharp as knives and his teeth like razor blades. His face was fiery red and contorted in an ugly, vicious snarl. His nostrils were like twin volcanoes with grey smoke slowly curling from each. His tail was a strong as an iron chain and would whip from side to side as fast lightening.

He slept surrounded by the long rotten bones of knights who had been foolish enough to try to claim his gold. They had been toasted by his furnace breath.

More thoughts….
·        had teeth like rows of razor sharp diamonds set inside a jaw the size of a small room 
·        tail like an angry python that cracked like a whip as it swayed from side to sid
·        feet like a dinosaur, hard as rock, massive talons splaying out like an exploding bomb
·        small, mean, fiery dark green eyes that searched hungrily

For “home learning” this week I’d like you to try to write a description of your own dragon (or other mythical creature if you prefer).


Wednesday, 4 February 2015


On Friday 13th February Year 3 will be learning about the Jewish festival of Pesach (Passover) with our friend Lynda Ford-Davies. She will be explaining the symbolism of the Passover meal, teaching the children some Jewish songs and dances and the children will also be baking some Shabbat bread.

An adventure story in the style of a "myth/legend"

The children have made a spectacular start to their story writing project this week.
Monday's session was spent planning and yesterday we starting the writing:
Chapter one is setting the scene and giving a reason for the hero's quest!
More to follow throughout the week...
Exciting stuff!

Don't forget to sign up Parents' Consultation Evenings

Dear Parents,

Well done to those of you who have signed up for Parents' Consultations next week on Tuesday 10th Feb, between 5.30 and 8.00pm - or Wednesday 11th Feb, between 3.30 and 6.00pm.
There are plenty of spaces still available.
If you are unable to attend at those times please let me know and I'll try to fit you in at another time.
Duncan MacBean

Monday, 2 February 2015

French Cafe and Clothes!

Calling All Parents.............

Next Thursday, 12th February is the KS2 French Cafe!
You are invited to join us, from 1:45 - 3:15, to buy and enjoy some French delicacies that we have been making as well as have fun practising our French.

The children may come to school wearing home clothes BUT, it MUST be red, white and/or blue and feel free to add anything to your outfit that makes it more "French". (Parents - join in with your outfits if you wish!!!!)

There will be a currency exchange booth for you to exchange your pounds into euros!

Please come along!

Year 3 and Year 4