Thursday 31 March 2011

Super Learning

Year 3 recently took part in an interesting RE day learning about Judaism.  The children thoroughly enjoyed their time with Linda who provided an interesting and exciting way to learn about another faith.  The children were inspired to try lots of different food and even made some wonderful halal bread.  Look out for the recipe coming home soon.  Some super learning year 3, well done.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Sainsburys and Tescos have launched their annual voucher collecting scheme, we are participating in both of these schemes. Vouchers collected in previous years have helped us to obtain some exciting resources. Please collect as many vouchers as you can and do not be afraid to ask your friends, neighbours, work colleagues for their vouchers as well. Many people who do not have children simply discard these vouchers and we could make valuable use of them. Collecting boxes are by the school office.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Home Learning with SWGfL Merlin?

Can your child share with you some work they have been doing within SWGfL Merlin recently? Perhaps they have written an article for Merlin Times our Online School Newspaper or have created some work in PurpleMash? Alternatively, they may have explored or Mathletics? Why not spend some time at the computer with them and see what wonderful resources lie behind the login screen of SWGfL Merlin.