Friday, 27 January 2017

Year 3 - Praised in the School Assembly (27.1.17)

Year 3  -  Praised in the School Assembly                 (27.1.17)
Today in our School Praise Assembly, I selected these children for a special praise for their work in specific areas of the curriculum:

-         Emily, Alfie, William and Layla for the detail they put into their planning their stories.

-         Megan, Scarlett and Edward for their hard work in Mathematics over the course of the week.

-         Poppy and Kitty for their good attitude towards their work.

Writing an Adventure Story (next week- Mon 30th Jan)

Writing an Adventure Story (next week- Mon 30th Jan)
The children are going to be having a go at writing their own stories in the style of an ancient myth. We have talked about the key elements required for this: - having a hero or heroine that needs to go on a quest to find something/ rescue someone, etc  -  and who has lots of adventures along the way (involving mythical creatures and magical assistance, etc)

The children have planned out their stories and are going to be writing a section every day next week.
I will be modelling the writing of my own story to help the children to structure and organise their story-writing; and to draw attention to how to develop characters, settings and the plot.

It would be great if you could chat to your child about their story (– the plot, the characters, the monsters) and so help them to have a good, secure idea about the content that they are going to develop over the week.


Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Year 3 Home Learning - Wednesday 25th January

Wonderful World

For their “Home Learning” activity this week, I have suggested that the children make up a poem under the title “What a Wonderful World”.
They should try to include images and ideas that make them feel happy and put a smile on their faces.

In class we have listened to “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong and talked about the words in the song.
Many Thanks,
Duncan MacBean

Friday, 20 January 2017

Year 3 Praised in Assembly

Year 3  -  Praised in the School Assembly                
I would like congratulate all of the children in Year 3 for their hard work in the Spring Term. They have all shown lots of enthusiasm and interest in their schoolwork. We have been particularly enjoying learning about some of the ancient Greek myths

Today in our School Praise Assembly, I selected these children for a special praise for their work in specific areas of the curriculum:

-         Poppy, Rosa, Kitty, Katherine and Jamie for the detail they put into their stories.

-         James and Frank for their hard work in Mathematics over the course of the week.

-         Joseph and Edward for their enthusiasm in Swimming Lessons

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Year 3 Mathematics Week 4 - Multiplication Focus ( next week 21.1.17)

Just to let you know that the focus of our work in Mathematics next week (23..1.17) is "Multiplication and Division".

We are always encouraging the children to learn their "Times Tables", but we will be having an increased focus on this at this stage.

For your information, the Age Related Expectations in the National Curriculum at Year 3
"Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables."
- This builds on the knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables expected at the end of Year 2.

Year 3 - Home Learning Activity "Coins Problem"

Home Learning – Year 3                            Wed 18th Jan

Write down as many different totals as possible that you can get from ...
two different coins:

(There are a lot of answers!)
Show your answers like this:

1p+ 2p= 3p
1p+ 5p= 6p

Have you been systematic in your approach to this?

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Y3 Money Mathematics (week 3)

In their Mathematics sessions this week, the children in Year 3 are doing work around the theme of "Money".

Friday, 13 January 2017

Year 3 Children praised in our "Praise Assembly"

Well done the following Year 3 children, who were praised in our "Praise Assembly" today:
- Emily, Oona, Katherine and Amalia for their hard work in Mathematics
- Finley and Edward for their progress in literacy and handwriting
Alfie, Oliver and Poppy for their excellent participation in this week's "home learning" activity

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Year 3 Mozart Game

In our Music lesson today we were finding out about the composer Mozart.
We had a look at a BBC website. The children enjoyed playing the games on this website and some expressed an interest in having a go at home. The web-address is below:


Year 3 Home Learning Activity - Wednesday 12th January - Light Sources

Learning Objective – Light Source Investigation – I can identify a number of light sources. 

 Light source
(where light can come from)
Draw a picture.
Where I might find
the light source?

I have asked the children to draw and label some sources of light.


Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Year 3 - Shadows - activity to try at home

I have asked the children to have a go at shining a torch on an object on a table at home to take a look at the way a shadow is cast. What happens when the torch is moved around the object? What happens to the shadow when the torch is moved closer, or further away?

Friday, 6 January 2017

Year 3 Awards - for the 2nd Half of Autumn Term

Today in our "Awards Assembly" the following children received a special praise for their hard work in the 2nd half of the Autumn Term:
    Layla - Creative Arts
    William - P.E.
    James B. - Maths
    Avril - English
    Noah - I.C.T.
    Music - Erica
    Rohana - Our World
    Nicole - Star Reader

Year 3 Parent Information Session - Friday 13th January

Year 3 Parent Information Session - Friday 13th January  in the classroom from 9am.
Please come along to find out more about the curriculum in Spring Term in Year3. This is also a chance to ask any questions you may have.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Home Learning Year 3 - Wednesday 5th January

The Year 3 "Home Learning" will now be given out on Wednesdays.
This is to fit in with when the school newsletters are being given out.

For their "home learning" this week, I have asked the children to have a go at an.....

...Ancient Greek Fact Finding Mission       Part 1

Have a go at finding the answers to some of these questions. See how many you can do. It doesn’t have to be all of them:
Find three facts about Athena?
Who was Poseidon?
What is the Parthenon?
Find the names of as many ancient Greek Heroes as you can.
Who was Aesop?
Find out three facts about “Alexander the Great”.
Who lived on Mount Olympus?
What was an Oracle?
What sports did the ancient Greeks play?


Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Paper and Card Recycling Assembly

Paper and Card Recycling Assembly
In our school assembly today I talked to the children about the importance of us trying to recycle things, with a particular reference to recycling paper and card.
We talked about how paper is made from trees and then looked at a series of photographs that show what happens to "waste" paper when it is recycled and sent to a Recycling Plant to be made into "new" paper.

I encouraged the children to try to bring in any unwanted Christmas Cards and put them into our Recycling box. We are trying to collect as many as possible and keep a tally of exactly how many we manage to get. It would be very useful if your cards could be tied with an elastic band and the total number written on the front to save us from having to count them individually.

Many Thanks,
Duncan MacBean

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happy New Year - Y3 "ancient myths" - plastic bottles please

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely Christmas break.

We are starting our Literacy lessons this term by looking at some of the ancient Greek myths. We will be using these to provide an interesting content for developing Reading and Writing skills. We will ultimately have a go at writing our own stories in the style of ancient Greek myths!

Alongside our Literacy, we will be looking at pictures of ancient Greek pottery (decorated with scenes of their stories and their daily lives). We will be making out own "replicas" using plastic bottles covered in "papier mache".
I would be very grateful if you provide a plastic bottle (or two) so that we can transform them into works of art.

Many Thanks,
Duncan MacBean