Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Y3- Autumn 2 begins!

Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term. It was good to see all of the children coming in and settling down to their work this morning. All morning work will be on the classroom board.

We focused again on addition in maths and looked at fact families. The children chose their level of challenge.

Well done to everyone that practised their lines in the holidays, please keep on doing this as our assembly is on Friday at 9.20am.

Just a reminder also that it is 'PANTS DAY' on Thursday where we will be supporting the NSPCC. This is optional.  It is also 'Bling your bike/scooter ' day on Friday. This will be during the afternoon.

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Y3- The end of Autumn 1!

Wow half term already! We have had an amazing half term learning about Rainforests of the world. We have also been lucky enough to be involved in the South Dorset Ridgeway project where we made our 3D artwork with the help of Darrell Wakelam.

Over the half term we hope you all manage to rest and recharge ready for a busy Autumn 2. In the first week back it is our class assembly on the Friday. We also start our new story telling topic of ‘Magic’. Where we will look at the stories of many superb authors such as Rowling, Lewis and Dickens.

Homelearning over the holidays is to keep on practicing spellings and looking at your 3 and 4 times tables. If anyone if feeling creative then why not have a go at making a rainforest animal mask!

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Y3- AMAZING art project and a reminder about tomorrow!

Over the last couple of days Year 3 have been working with Darrell Wakelam on this amazing piece of 3D art. They have made made every piece of this sculpture by using scraps of cardboard, paper mache and paint. It was fantastic to see the children working together to create this piece of art. They have been discussing the history behind the art. How this skeleton would have been living over 2000 years ago in the iron age. They looked at artefacts showing them the jewellery that would have been buried with him. This piece has stemmed from our involvement with the South Dorset Ridgeway Project and our visit to Maiden Castle. 

If you would like to see the finished piece of art, this will be on display very soon on the wall in our cloakroom. 

Well Done Year 3 good team effort! 

Just a reminder about the Wacky Hair Day tomorrow. £1 suggested donation for Weldmar Hospice. Please can we ask for no hair dye though as we have swimming in the afternoon and they will not be allowed in the water with this in. 

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Can anybody help recycle these items please?

In the next couple of weeks Year 3 are going to be doing some collaborative art work and we need your help please. We would like to recycle any shoe boxes and kitchen roll tubes that you have lying around. Any size will do!

Whilst we are on the topic of recycling we would also like to take any pieces of bamboo or the odd slate tile or brick that you may have in your garden! We will be making some wildlife havens in our Forest School area after the half term and wanted to start a collection. Some of the pictures below show the materials we will be collecting. So please do have a look in your gardens for those unused terracotta pots or surplus logs.

Any donations can be handed to the Year 3 team. Thank you in advance!

Y3 Well done for your amazing performance!

Well done to all of the children for their performance yesterday. You sang brilliantly! Thank you to everyone that made it to the Harvest festival yesterday. We hope you enjoyed listening to our ‘It’s Harvest time’ song and looking at our leaf art work and Harvest writing.

It was great to see so many of you at Autumnfest too!

It is good to see lots of you reading the AR books at home. If you finish the books then please do give the quiz a go at home or when you come in to school. The idea is that the children finish their books and then complete the quiz within 24hrs. It shouldn’t be longer as it is not a memory test.

Next week we have an exciting opportunity with Darrell Wakelam the artist from the SDR event and who made an appearance at Autumn fest. Darrell will be within us on Monday and Wednesday to complete some 3D art work. We will update you through out the week.

Enjoy your weekend and see you all next week

The Year 3 team

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Y3 AR books and reminders

Just a reminder it is dress like a farmer day tomorrow as well as swimming. Please can you write on the board by the door if you are picking up from the swimming pool.

The children did their Accelerated Reader tests today and so have been given their book numbers. A letter explaining more about this will be coming home tomorrow. If you have any questions after reading this letter please do come and talk to us.

We are looking forward to seeing lots of you at the Harvest celebration at 10am. I must say our song is fantastic! Any food donations can be given to a member of the team on Friday morning.

Lastly we just wanted to emphasise the importance of still doing spelling practice at home. All the spellings will be in the little log books and these will be tested either every half a week or once a weekly depending on which group your child is in.

The Year 3 team

Monday, 1 October 2018

Y3- Fire and Hapa Zome....

This week we are in full swing with our Harvest work. The children have been writing why and how we celebrate the Harvest. in Art we have been making lots of different pieces of art linked with the Autumn.

In Forest School this afternoon we spoke about the importance of bread. Half of the class baked bread on the fire whilst the other half has a go at 'hapa zome'. This is where you place a leaf between a piece of fabric and hit it with a hammer to squeeze all the colour out.

It's great to see so many pieces of home learning being bought in. Just a reminder that these can go in the top tray by the door.

In the mornings we are really trying to encourage the children to come in quickly, pack away their own things and then settle down to their morning activities. For the next few days we are going to have their POW passports out so that the children that need stamps can get them and we can also fill in certain sections.