We are now nearing the end of the Autumn term. I am extremely proud of how well all of Year 3 has performed 'A Christmas Carol'. They have their last performance tomorrow. Thank you for providing some fantastic costumes and practising lines at home.
Today the children got to have a play of the new Reception out door equipment which they loved! Thanks to POWSA for all of the fundraising for this. I am sure we will be making more visits so that they can go on it again!
Today the children have bought home the biscuit boxes they designed and made and some delicious biscuits that they made and decorated. As well as their Christmas cards.
Just a reminder that on Friday the children will be having Christmas party food instead of their hot/packed lunches. If you haven't put your name next to something, there is still time.
Finally I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy this magical time of year with family and friends. Thank you so much for your kind gifts.
I look forward to seeing you all in 2019!