Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Y3- Stone age learning

We have had a fantastic start to Spring 2! On Monday we started to plan our Stone Age non chronological reports. The children shared their home learning. Thank you so much for all of the support and effort everyone put in to this. It was great to see a range of information. The children were able to talk passionately about what they had found out and found it much easier to plan their work. During our Forest School session the children worked in small groups to make their own roundhouses out of clay. We will be finishing these off tomorrow!

Today the children started to write up their reports on purplemash and tomorrow we plan to mark and adapt these pieces of writing making sure we have looked at the key features of a non chronological report.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we have the book bus in school. We will be visiting the bus in the afternoon. If you would like your child to be able to purchase a book and can't make a time to visit with them then feel free to give them the money to bring in.

Book week next week! Lots of exciting learning in store and we will start our new topic.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Y3- Stone age home learning tomorrow and Forest School.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about your half term holiday. 
Just a reminder that the Stone Age home learning will be due in tomorrow. Ten facts on the Stone Age. They could be about what they ate, where they lived, how they cooked on? 

Tomorrow we will start writing a non chronological report on the Stone Age. In the afternoon we will have Forest School. 

During our Maths sessions this week we will be focusing on fractions. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Y3- Science week fun!

I hope you enjoyed the start of our plastic themed Science week?! On display in the hall way the children made the crabs, seahorses and starfish.

 On Monday morning we had a talk from Professor Stentiford from CEFAS. We lean't all about taxonomy and how to group species. All of the children then had to work through a set of questions to find out the name of the sea creatures.

After this we then worked with Tom and James from the Watercress Company. The children were the first children to experiment with pea shoot seeds. We are trialling growing the seeds in agar jelly! These will come home with you tomorrow. Please keep them in the sunlight. In a few days the roots will shoot and you can then place them in to a larger pot. Eventually you will get some delicious pea shoots.

Finally on Monday afternoon we worked with Dorset Waste Partnership and looked at an experiment using an old cd, felt tips and a marble. I wonder which children could tell their parents about this?

Today (Tuesday) we went on our community litter pick. All of the adults were extremely proud of the children in the class as they showed so much enthusiasm and passion to clean their town. We were shocked at how much rubbish we collected! In our rubbish alone we had 93 crisp packets, 10 glass bottles and 39 plastic bottles!

Tomorrow we will be doing some more outdoor learning. We have said that the children can wear their Forest School clothes when they get in to school.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Y3- Science week information

Next week we launch our Science week. During this week we will be thinking about our impact on the world and how we can reduce plastic waste. On the Tuesday the whole school will be partaking in a litter pick. Each of the classes will be picking up litter in different areas of the community. If anyone is available to support this pick this would be fantastic. We are going to split the class and do the pick in two groups. The aim is for it to take no longer than 1 hour per group. For us to do this effectively we are asking your support please in supplying your child with a pair of rubber gloves. If you happen to have a litter picker too then this would be great, but do not worry if not. 

We have some brilliant Science planned for this week including 'Mr G' who came to our school last year. Please give your money for this to the office. 

On the Thursday afternoon we will be having the Science fair where the children can show off their experiments/ creations! This will be from 2.45pm, everyone is welcome. With this in mind we have decided to cancel swimming for the last week of term (14th Feb) so that Year 3 can take part in the Science fair. 

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Y3- Learning this week.

This week we are carrying on with our bar graph work. Using a ruler and labelling graphs is really important and so all the children will be drawing graphs in our Maths lesson this week.

In Literacy this week we will be listening to the interview from the explorer John Blashford-Snell and then writing his answers in to a transcript.

We have also taken part in 'safer internet day' on purplemash.  The children took a quiz  on using the internet safely.