Sunday, 26 June 2022

Year 3: Let the challenge commence!

The fiver challenge week is finally here! Thank you all so much for your commitment to this, it's great to hear families coming together to make their items ready for selling on Tues, Weds and Thurs this week. I purposely didn't set any home learning this week as I know how much time the planning and preparation can take up so thank you! The children will visit each class this week to explain to the rest of the school what they are selling so if you had an example of one in school tomorrow that would be great (cakes and lollies don't need an example). Also any teddies that we can sell would be great as we've had 0 so far. 😕

Tomorrow (Monday) is not only the bikeathon, but also class photo day. So please make sure your child comes in with the correct uniform. 

Tomorrow we will also start out collaborative project based around the Jurassic coast. This will last all week and will involve the children to work in pairs to research and write facts about the Jurassic coast. 

We will also be having our PSHE lesson where we talk about how the body changes as we grow. 

As part of our inclusive sports fortnight, Year 3 will be having a Tae Kwon Do taster session. 

Sustrans will be coming in the afternoon and leading a puncture repair session 
*Please note there will be no swimming now unless I have already spoken to you about your child attending

Adam Sevenoaks will be leading our assembly

Dance afternoon from 2.30pm on the field- come and see the children perform 'Shake it off' 

On Friday we will spend some time discussing the fiver challenge and reviewing the process. 

Any questions about the above then please feel free to email me. 

See you all tomorrow

Mrs Thorpe 

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Year 3: 3C books back tomorrow please

Please can we have ALL 3C books back tomorrow, we will be starting a new unit in this book so we do need this in. 

Many thanks! 

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Year 3: How babies grow

Just to let you all know that today in Jigsaw we spoke about what babies need to survive and how they grow in a women's tummy. 

We spoke about how some babies have both a Mummy and a Daddy, some have two Mums, two Dads or just a Mummy or Daddy. We even discussed that some children are looked after family members or are adopted.  

Next week we will be discussing body parts and what happens to their bodies when they grow. 


Monday, 20 June 2022

Year 3: Home learning and this week

Apologies about not posting this on Friday, but hopefully you got the children's Power Maths books and the home learning sheet already. 

There were no spellings for this week as we will be consolidating and regrouping after this week.

This week in between the Peter Pan rehearsals and performances, we will be starting a new Power Maths unit in class. Below shows how we introduce and talk about the unit. So if your child has a watch, now is definitely the time to find it and put it on 😀

Last week the children all wrote a fact file on Mary Anning using subheadings. This week we will continue our work and research the Jurassic coast. 

Fiver challenge: This starts next week. If you have any old teddies that you could donate to the class group that would be amazing please. 

Peter Pan: Wednesday/Thursday 9.30am outside. Dress Rehearsal tomorrow so please bring the last few costumes in. 

Finally, thank you so much for providing your children with hats and drinks in this hot weather. Sun cream ideally before school and in school to be topped up please. 

Here's to another magical week!

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 


Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Year 3: Peter Pan costumes to come in please

With Peter Pan happening next week...please can we have the children's costumes in a named bag or hanger. Ideally by Friday, if not Monday at the very latest as we will be having a dress rehearsal. 

Any questions please come and see me or email me and thank you in advance for your support with arranging and sourcing these. 

Kind regards

Mrs Thorpe 

Year 3: Coming up...

Thank you everyone for your continued support with the home learning. Just a reminder that it is our Peter Pan production next week on Wednesday and Thursday morning at 9.30am. Please email the office to let them know which date you will be attending. All of the children in the school will be involved. The majority of our class will be part of the singing and we even have some narrators and main characters! So unless you have been asked specifically for different costumes, please could your child come dressed as a warrior or a merperson. Please see me if you have any questions.

Fiver challenge update

Your £5 for the fiver challenge will be coming home today to your designated adult. Please do talk to the other members of the group and arrange who is making what. Selling of the items will take place on Tuesday 28th June, Wednesday 29th June and Thursday 30th June (after school). This will be led by the children with parental support. You will be welcome to come into school at 3.15pm during these three dates and set up a table outside on the playground (near the field). The sale should be packed up by 4pm at the latest on these days.

**The class group will be selling old teddies, anyone can join this group throughout the process. With this in mind please can you have a rummage through and spread the word to cousins and friends for collections of unwanted or surplus teddies to sell. We can only accept clean teddies that are in a good condition. Please could we have these by Monday 27th June.

Other things happening soon:

-Monday 27th June: Bike-a-thon

-Friday 24th June: Non school uniform day

-Tuesday 5th July: KS2 Sports day

-Tuesday 12th July: The Etches collection trip (letter coming home this week). 

Monday, 6 June 2022

Year 3: Fossil collections

We can't wait to see you all tomorrow and hear about your half term holidays. If anyone has been to anywhere along the Jurassic coast recently and would like to share anything that you have found or pictures that you have then please feel free to bring them in. 

For the final half term in Year 3 we will be focussing on the Jurassic Coast and learning about the different rocks along it, including how fossils are formed. So if you have any fossil collections please bring them in! 

See you all in the morning 😁