Tuesday, 25 July 2023
New Year 3 Class of 2023/24 Challenge for the Summer!
Friday, 21 July 2023
Year 3- THANK YOU!
Sunday, 16 July 2023
Final Week
We can't believe that this is the last week in Year 3!
Thank you all so much for your support with the fiver challenge.
We have raised over £450!!
Some of this money will go towards our cinema trip whilst the rest will go towards Shakespeare next year.
The children are really looking forward to watching 'Elemental' on Tuesday. We will walk down to the cinema and will be back for a late lunch.
Tomorrow morning Mr MacBean will have a clipboard by the door, please can you sign next to your child's name giving them permission to go and watch the PG film.
Thursday, 13 July 2023
French Breakfast
PLEASE NOTE - On Friday morning we will be enriching our French curriculum by having a French breakfast in Year Three and Year Four. The children will need to converse with Monsieur MacBean et Madame Drew in French when they order their croissant and drink. This will be an in-class event during the normal school day.
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Y3: Trip to Shire Hall and Sports day tomorrow
We had a fantastic trip this morning to Shire Hall. I was so proud of the children's knowledge of the Tolpuddle Martyrs! We retraced their steps, went into the cells and replayed the trial they had in the courtroom.
Just a reminder it is our Sports day tomorrow. Year 3 will be doing our running races second and so will be doing Inclusive sports on the playground first. You are welcome to come and see this from 1.30pm.
We will also be selling the last of the Fiver Challenge things after school on Thursday. As a treat for this we will be taking the children to the cinema (Plaza) on Tuesday 18th to see the new Disney film 'Elemental'. We will be leaving school just after 9am and will return to school for lunch. This is a free trip. The children are welcome to bring their drink and snacks with them to the cinema. A small treat is allowed for this trip but please no fizzy drinks and not too many sweets. I will be buying the children a cake/doughnut as an end of term treat to have in the cinema. The children are very excited about this!
Mrs Thorpe 🎞📽
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Year 3: Information about our week, trips and the Fiver Challenge.
As part of our Inclusive sports fortnight that children have started to take part in a range of activities. Yesterday they were part of the prostrike event where the speed of their kicks were measured. Thank you for the sponsorship for this event. The children loved telling me about this today.
Today the children got to ride through the school. They loved doing this whilst the other children were cheering them on. Also today, the children have written up their portal story about meeting Mary Anning, these will go up in the writing hall of fame.
Thank you to everyone about your positive comments and support with the school trips. I do apologise that three have come up in one half term, we will make sure this won't happen again. The trips have in fact been an experience that the children have loved. Not only have all of the trips been educational but all of the children have enjoyed them and have come away with much more knowledge about the topic that we were focussing on. Tuesdays trip will be no different. We are going to the Shire Hall where they will gain more knowledge on the Tolpuddle Martyrs in a courthouse setting. All children to have packed lunches please and be in school uniform.
Another huge thank you for supporting the school with the fiver challenge. Just to clarify that if no one in the group can be there to sell the items in the Summer Fayre then I will be there. Also, if your child is CAPOW on Thursday 13th when we plan to sell after school, then I am happy to have them to sell then take them over to CAPOW.
If you have any concerns or would like to share anything with me please do feel free to email me.
Mrs Thorpe