Friday, 29 September 2023
Year 3 Farm Trip
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Year 3: Farm trip tomorrow reminder
Please remember it is the farm trip tomorrow (as long as the rain isn't too heavy). Children to wear normal school tops but can wear home trousers. Please can all children bring wellies and waterproof coats (trousers if you have any). Also, please provide another pair of shoes for them to change into after the trip. They are there all morning so will carry their own drinks and a small snack that can fit in their pocket.
Many thanks, any questions please see Mr MacBean in the morning or contact him via email.
Monday, 25 September 2023
Can you help?
Reminder - The children in Year Three are visiting Maiden Castle Farm this Thursday (28/09/23) morning. We would welcome any parents/carers who would like to come along to support us on this outing.
Friday, 22 September 2023
Year 3: End of week 3 and home learning
We hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. See you on Monday for the start of our Food, Faith and Farming Fortnight. As always, expect the unexpected on Monday morning when the children arrive. If feel your child needs to know more about this please do email me.
Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell
Mr MacBean + Mrs Thomas
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Year 3: Week 3 learning so far
This week we have been working really hard on our routines in Year 3. The children are now getting used to doing handwriting practice everyday and have got the AR buzz. It has been fantastic to see how excited the children are to do AR quizzes. They can do these at home also. All the children know how to get on AR from the pupil links (on the website) they need to click on the orange AR square and type in the number or title of the book.
Friday, 15 September 2023
Thursday, 14 September 2023
Year 3: Week 2 so far...
This week we have carried on looking at the story of The Stone Age Boy.
The children have been writing simple and compound sentences about the characters and yesterday we worked on fronted adverbials.
Friday, 8 September 2023
Year 3: Science, DT and computing at the end of the week.
At the end of this week we have started our new Science topic on plants. Today we were looking at a zoomed in picture. Using our Scientific skills of questioning and reasoning the children made guesses to what they thought this was. Can you guess it?
That's right, it's roots! We then spent some time looking at the roots system of a number of different plants.In DT this afternoon we learnt about seasonal foods and made a Japanese fruit skewer (minus the Lychee).
In Computing we followed the instructions in a flowchart to make our sprite move on a page by pressing a button.
This afternoon your child should have come home with a plastic folder with their name on. This is their home learning folder. Every week we will put home learning, spellings and their reading records in there. Please can these be completed and returned by the following Friday. This week there is no home learning just spellings. Next week the children will receive their new reading records, AR numbers along with books from the library. If your child is in a RWI group they should have come home with a book today. RWI spelling groups have spellings in their home learning folders.
We hope you have an amazing weekend.
The Year 3 team
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Year 3: Proud artists and more!
Wow, we have had a brilliant start to Year 3! The children are getting used to the routines of Year 3 and have worked together to make our class charter.
Today in Art we looked at the Artists Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Shilling who both use the natural environment to make their sculptures. We looked at their art work and how they use colour and shape to make sculptures. We then went outside and made 2D pictures and how amazing they were!