Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Year 3: Trip tomorrow

 At the moment the trip to the Roman Town House tomorrow morning (1st) is still going ahead. If the weather is horrendous in the morning then this may be postponed. 

A lot of parents have said to me about lunches. We have now arranged it so the children will be back for lunch. So if you have booked your child a lunch for tomorrow then you do not need to bring a packed lunch. 

Rain coats are a must tomorrow please. 

Thank you

Mrs Thorpe 

Monday, 30 October 2023

Year 3: Important information about this week

Welcome back to Autumn 2! We can't wait to get started with learning about The Romans. On Wednesday we will be walking down to the Roman townhouse to start our learning. If any parents would like to accompany us on this trip please let me know on the door in the morning. Children should wear their normal school clothes and have a waterproof coat. The children will takes their snack and drink with them but be back by lunch. 

I hope you have enjoyed making the shields. Please can I remind you that we don't want these in school until next Monday (6th), this is due to the fact that we have limited storage for them. 

We will hopefully have be able to go out tomorrow afternoon for Forest School, please can we have wellies and waterproof coats in school. The weather looks unsettled now for a while. 

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell

Mr MacBean and Mrs Thomas

Friday, 20 October 2023

Year 3: Last week of term

We have had a busy last week of the term finishing off our learning about certain areas. 

Thank you to everyone that was able to make our exhibition of learning. I hope you enjoyed looking through your child's books with them and tasting their tarts. They enjoyed designing and making these. 

It was great to talk to so many of you this week during parents evening. If you were unable to make your appointment please do let me know when is best after half term to meet. 

We have set a two week home learning to build a shield. On the sheet it shows what type of shield we'd like your child to make (Celtic or Roman). We'll be collecting these in on Monday 6th November. 

Congratulations to our end of term award winners: Robyn, Harry, Edith, Cecily, Immy,  Evelyn and Ted. 

We hope you have a restful week and we'll see you all on Tuesday 31st October 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell
Mr MacBean and Mrs Thomas

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Year 3: Week 6 reminders and a date for your diary for next week.

 This week in Year 3 we have learnt about Skara Brae in Scotland. The children made notes and then wrote sentences about the Ancient site. I wonder if they could tell you any? 

In Maths we are adding across the tens by exchanging 10 tens for 1 hundred. This has been quite tricky and so we are taking our time this week to consolidate our learning with lots of practice. We have been drawing the number sentences using base ten like below. 

The children would like to share their learning (looking through all their books with you) and also the end product of our DT cooking unit, next Wednesday 18th October from 3pm in the hall. I know this is the same week as the parent consultations but this is the time for the children to explain to someone in their family about their learning. If you can not make this date please could you let me know and we will arrange for your child to show their work to another adult in the school. We will do a range of these exhibitions of learning throughout the year. 

Finally, just a reminder that we are walking to our music workshop on Thursday this week, could we have coats just in case and a snack to have when we get there. On Thursday afternoon we have 
Jack Meggitt- Phillips in to talk about his book series .

As always, if you have any questions please do feel to catch me at the door or email me. I look forward to seeing you next week for the parent consultations. 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell

Mr MacBean + Mrs Thomas

Monday, 9 October 2023

Year 3: This Thursday (12th) trip helpers

Hello everyone, 

On Thursday we will be walking to Damers in the morning for a musical workshop. We will be leaving school around 9.20am and will be back in time for lunch. If anyone is available to support us with the walk there and back we would really appreciate this please.  

If you could let a member of the Year 3 team know.

Many thanks

Mrs Thorpe 

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Y3 PSHE - Thunks

In PSHE today, Year Three were seeking to -

Express opinions and listen to those of others

Consider others' points of view

Practise explaining the thinking behind their ideas and opinions

To support this development, we completed a range of activities including exploring THUNKS together. 

Thunks are questions that have no right or wrong answer but will require children to think and express their opinions, possibly challenging other opinions, remembering to be respectful and courteous as they do so.

Please see below for some examples -

Is there more future or past?
Is black a colour?
If I switch the lights off does the wall change colour?
Can you cast a shadow into a dark room?
In a dark room what does a mirror reflect?
Can you touch the wind?
Can you touch a rainbow?
Is a broken down car parked?
Is there more happiness or sadness in the world?
Can you feel happy and sad at the same time?
Does lined paper weigh more than blank paper?
Is it ever OK to cheat?

Can you make up your own THUNKS at home?

We would love to hear any that you come up with. 

Unit 3.1 - Coding - Lesson 4

 Today in Computing we used our coding knowledge in Year Three to create some computer programs.

We all had a go at completing the 'Jumping Monkey' challenge on PurpleMash.

Stage One and Stage Two was fairly straightforward -

Stage Three was more challenging -

DID YOU KNOW? This challenge can be accessed at home by all pupils using Purple Mash. Please see the Year Three team if you need a reminder of your child's login details.

The one area where Year Three did get stuck at times was mainly associated with 'nesting' the block code in the right place. 

Nesting is explained well below -

Well done today Year Three - great work today in Computing!

Seed Dispersal Research

In Science today, Y3 have been researching the different ways that seeds are dispersed.

As part of our research, we made use of our whole class set of the all new children's Encyclopaedia Britannica (kindly purchased by our friends at POWSA). 

We also watched this great clip from BBC Teach -

This clip examines the importance of fruit as a means of seed dispersal for plants and the science involved in ripening - explaining why ripe fruit is created to look and taste so appetising.