Apologies about not sharing these before. Here are some photos from our fantastic lambing trip to Maiden Castle farm. Thank you to Hazel for explaining to the children all about her different job roles and about lambing.
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Year 3: Farm trip photos and reminders about the rest of the week.
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Year 3: Reminder about tomorrow and the learning this week.
What a fantastic week we have had 😀
The children have been using the story of Nen and the lonely fisherman, writing about how the characters felt. Yesterday we used the basic plan of the story to plan our own and today we started the writing. We can't wait to see how these turn out!
In Power Maths we have been calculating perimeter. Today we used lego to calculate the perimeter of squares, rectangles and then irregular shapes.
Just a reminder that it is our farm trip tomorrow afternoon after lunch. Children can come in their home trousers, trainers and please bring wellies. Hazel at the farm said it is very muddy so wellies are essential.
See you all tomorrow 🌈
Monday, 18 March 2024
Year 3: Religious studies visitor
Today the children were visited by Rev John Yarrien from the United Church in Dorchester. He went through the Easter story in order and the children got to ask him any questions they had. Thank you so much to Rev Yarrien for coming in.
Well done to our violinists who performed in front of everyone one this afternoon 😁 fantastic to see such enthusiasm for music.
This week will be the children's last swimming session.
Friday is our farm trip in the afternoon. Please provide your children with wellingtons and a coat for the trip.
Tuesday, 12 March 2024
Year 3: Tubes + cereal boxes needed for Friday please
Year 3 would like to gather as many tubes and cereal boxes as possible for this Friday please. These could be pringle tubes, toilet/kitchen roll tubes/ yogurt cartons. The boxes can be a range of sizes. We will be using them to make our own castles.
Thank you in advance
Sunday, 10 March 2024
Year 3: Round up of week 3 and details about week 4!
What a busy week we had last week!
In English we finished our writing using the text 'The cloud Tea Monkeys'. The children all wrote an information text about tea. This week we move onto a new text which we will focus on for the remaining weeks of this term.
In Power Maths we finished off our unit on multiplication and division and have moved onto learning about length and perimeter. Please do keep learning multiplications a focus though. In Year 3 the children should know their 10, 2, 5, 3, 4 and 8s.
In Science this week we have continued our work on looking at light and in particular this week we have been making shadows. Last week the children got to observe over time how their shadow changes, we will be using these pictures in our Science lessons this week to try and explain why the changes took place. The children also used their shadow puppets in the Science lesson on Friday and will continue to use these in the week.