Welcome back to the Summer term!
This week we have started to use a new text in English. The interesting thing about our new story is that the book only has pictures! The children have been using the pictures to write their own stories.
In Maths we are carrying on learning about fractions and have been looking at equivalent fractions.
In Science this week we have completed a Science experiment looking at how we record an investigation into adding different vinegars to bicarbonate soda. The children were able to record in a bar chart their results.
We have also had the life education visit where the children had to think about how they keep healthy.
In DT we've started to look at pneumatic toys. The children have designed their own monster which they are going to start to make this week. We could love to collect any small cereal boxes and more importantly, egg boxes please. We will be using these on Tuesday.
**Friday's parent information session**
This Friday's parent information session will now be a recording. This will be sent to you this week. If you have any questions about anything mentioned please feel free to email me or see me at the door in the mornings.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday 3rd May - Our class assembly at 2.30pm followed by a parent information session about Hooke Court. Then the schools Knob throwing event
Monday 6th May - Bank holiday
Tuesday 14th May - Roundhouse building project (outdoor clothes required)
Friday 24th May - End of term