Friday, 10 January 2025

Great first week back

Hi Year Three Families,

We've had a lovely start to term, it's been lovely to see everyone settle back into life in Year Three.

In English we are participating in a whole school English focus on the Northern Lights with the story The Lights That Dance, we will be continuing this focus next week.

In Maths we have been learning how to multiply numbers we will continue this focus next week as well.

We had a fabulous time swimming on Thursday and really enjoy our session with HSBC this afternoon.

In Science we have begun learning about Forces, I have included some photos from our experiments and observations this week. 

In Geography and DT we have started new learning. Our homework is linked to our learning in DT (see below for details)

Next week is a whole school science week and we will be taking part in a whole school investigation and a visit from the Planetarium. We also have our parent information session on Friday morning at 9:00

Please ensure that all PE kits are in school as we have PE on Monday. We were very low on Reading Records this week, please ensure that these are returned every Friday in the folders provided at the beginning of the year with any home learning etc.

Here are the details of home learning. This should have come home with your child today.

 Please do get in touch if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Ms Evans and the Year Three Team.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Happy New Year

 Hi Year Three Families,

Happy New Year!

This blog contains some useful information for the beginning of term.


PE will be on Mondays, so please ensure all PE Kit is in school. On Thursday afternoons Year 3 will be swimming with Mr Spracklen, please ensure that children have a weather appropriate coat to walk up to 16:10 in, it's likely to be wet and cold for a while yet.

We are starting with a whole school English focus which will be a wonderful way to start the new year.

We are continuing our focus of multiplication in Maths, it would be extremely helpful for children to be using TT Rockstars at home to aid in their fluency.

We have a Geography and DT focus this half term and we. will be learning about Rainforests and Castles! In Music we will be learning to play the recorder!

We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday

The Year Three Team