Wednesday 6 September 2017

We have had a great first day back!

Welcome back to the Autumn Term!           (6.9.17)
We have had a great Wednesday!
We are really pleased with the excellent start the children have made today. They have settled in very nicely and are showing lots of enthusiasm and interest in the work.
Today we did some Story-writing, Reading, Singing, Science (learning about “Rocks”) and Handwriting Practice.
The children have now got a new Reading Record Booklet and a Guided Reading Book. Please can they keep these in their “book bags”? We have also given out Spelling Lists (see information below) and a Home Learning Activity for the next week (making a poster – “Rocks are really Useful”).

Year Three  -  Spelling “Home Learning”             
Every Wednesday, we will be sending the children home with “Spelling Lists”. This will be a sheet of paper with 4 lists on it. The children will have a “test/quiz” on the words from the lists on the following Wednesday.
The children should choose 2 lists that they feel they need to learn - and should only be learning 2 lists from the selection of four. In other words, if they are learning the words on lists 3 and 4 then that is because they are confident that they can already manage the words on lists 1 and 2. (Some children will be asked to focus on just one list.)
Children in the past have enjoyed this approach. 
Spare copies of the “Spelling Lists” are available in the tray by the classroom door.

Duncan MacBean – Year 3 Class Teacher

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