Wow we have had a magical first day back! Well done to all of Year 3, we have had a busy day sorting out what we want Year 3 to be like.
This morning I explained about our self registration wizards. In the mornings the children put their wizard on Hogwarts to show that they are here. We spoke about independence and how in Key Stage 2 now we encourage children to put their own things away and sit down to their morning learning. This will always be a writing task.

Mr Spracklen came in to the class this morning to deliver us the news of the ‘fire breathing dragon’! He left us our own dragon and a sorting hat. One by one the children were ‘housed’. We spoke about the fantastic qualities that each house shows and how these topic groups will be changed every term. By the end of the Year your child would have been in three of the four houses.This encourages the children to socialise and work with different children than their usual friends. The children will be rewarded house points. At the end of the week these points will be added up. One child in that group will take our dragon home for the weekend. The whole group will then get to sit on the back bench for the following week. At the end of the half term the house with the most points will get to choose the class special treat.
In their houses the children then came up with a list of rights and rules that we want to follow in Year 3. This then formed our ‘Class Charter’ -
We will strive to be all of the 7 caterpillars
We will give everything a go and try to be resilient if we are finding things hard.
We have the right to be listened to, and therefore will listen to everyone.
We will try to have a growth mindset.
We have a right to feel safe and secure.
We are caring and kind during play and look after each other.
We will tidy up after ourselves and work in our houses to be ready to learn.
We will be positive and enthusiastic!
We are in the process of updating logins and passwords for the online tools.
There are many news things happening in schools which we have highlighted in our class newsletter. We will also discuss this in our parent information session on Wednesday.
In the meantime if there are any questions please do come and see us.
See you all in the morning
The Year 3 team