Wednesday 12 September 2018

Y3- Swimming information and some exciting adventures next week!

Thank you to everyone that made the parent information session this morning. We discussed what we will be learning about over the next term. 

We have many exciting things coming up! On Monday we have the 'Bugman' in with his rainforest creatures. On Wednesday we will be spending the day at Maiden Castle where we will be working with the South Dorset Ridgeway Project. It is an action packed day full of lots of exciting learning opportunities. You will receive a letter with all of the details tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is swimming. If your child is walking to the swimming pool from school please bring them to school at 8.35am (please do stay with them until a Y3 adult is present). We will be leaving school at 8.40am. If you are meeting us at the swimming pool please meet us there at 8.50am, again please do stay with your child until we turn up. The girls will need to wear a one piece costume, boys trunks and please bring a hat. If you have goggles that would also be good. We have had a good talk about swimming with the children today and we know they will really enjoy it. Not only that it is so important that children learn this life safe saving skill. 

The Year 3 team 


  1. Do we have to provide a pack lunch that day or will local food links provide one?

  2. If you have ordered a hot dinner then a packed lunch will be provided
