Sunday 6 December 2020

Y3 Week 6: Feeling festive!

Hello everyone. I hope you are enjoying your weekend, it's lovely to see a visit from Jack Frost this morning over the rooftops. 

Tomorrow morning we are all very excited to welcome Elves into school! We will be watching the production of Elves and the Shoemaker at 9am so please do try and get in for 8.55 at the latest. The children can dress up as an elf or just wear something festive. That might just be a hat or could be a festive colour such as green or red, please don't feel like you have to buy anything for this. We won't be having Forest School this Monday.

On Wednesday pm Slytherin and Hufflepuff will be having Forest School whilst the other two groups have Science inside with Mrs Hall. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw will have their FS session next week. 

For the next two weeks in Literacy we will be planning and writing an adventure story as part of the big write. Each day the children will write parts of the story based on what they have learnt in the lesson. I can't wait to see these! The children have really enjoyed our Shackleton learning and have found out so many facts about what life would have been like on the Endurance. 

In Maths we will be carrying on with addition and subtraction and focussing on being able to use the inverse to work out an answer. For example this is one of the questions from a 'think together' session this week 

Then using the whole part model above, the largest number will go at the top. I've included a photo to explain how we would work this out in the classroom. I hope this is helpful for you, I know that a few parents had asked for some more information about what we are teaching in Power Maths and how we are working out answers. Any questions about the below please do just give me an email. 
Subtraction a is incorrect. 

Lastly just a quick reminder about our story evening on Thursday 5-6pm in the hall. The children can wear their pyjamas and bring a small soft toy. We will be have some delicious treats. And then on Friday we will be supporting 'Save the Children' by wearing our Christmas jumpers. 

Here's to a festive fun packed week!! 

🎄Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 🎄

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