Friday, 17 December 2021

Thank you so much!

Just a quick message to say thank you so much for your kind and generous gifts and cards we are very grateful.

We hope you have a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Bishop, Mrs Scott, Mrs Hibberd, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Burgess and Miss James. 

Friday, 10 December 2021

Year 3: End of the week

Thank you to everyone that sang their hearts out tonight, it was fantastic! 

We have had a great week visiting Radipole and spotting lots of different birds including 10 herons! 

Christmas technology was full of festive fun and all of the children had a great day. 

This time of year can be very busy. With this in mind there is no official home learning or spellings. If you do want to access any home learning then there is Mathletics, PurpleMash 2 animate and AR reading but there is no pressure to do this, just enjoy some family time. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Year 3: Trip tomorrow!

 Just a quick reminder about the trip tomorrow. Warm layers, waterproofs, wellingtons and hats and gloves are definitely encouraged! 

See you all tomorrow

The Year 3 team 

Monday, 6 December 2021

Year 3: Coming up in the next two weeks...

We have quite a few things happening over the next couple of weeks. Here is a quick recap of everything: 

Wednesday 8th Radipole trip. 

Warm clothes, waterproofs and wellingtons needed. We will be at school for lunch. Half of the class at a time will be going on the trip. Children that have piano lessons on Wednesday will be going in the afternoon and will still have their lessons in the morning. 

Friday 10th 

-Christmas technology day and Christmas jumper day. The children will be moving around the school making lots of Christmas crafts.

-Christmas Fair after school. We will be singing around the Christmas tree at 16:10pm. 

Friday 17th 

-Last day of term and special Christmas packed dinners. A day when lunch can be extra special and festive! All hot dinners will be cancelled so please bring your child's lunch wrapped up. 

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Year 3: Fabulous Panto, animations and reminders...

 This morning we were treated to a fabulous Panto production of The 3 Little bears by the Tree House production company. It was a really funny show and the children loved it! 

This afternoon we linked back to our themed week and thought about a different mode of transport that Phileas Fogg used and that was a hot air balloon. The children used PurpleMash 2animate to make an animation of a hot air balloon rising into the sky, past a mountain and back down again. There were some really creative animations and some even went past volcanoes! You can access your child's animation at home on PurpleMash by going to the work folder at the top. A number of children did say that they would like to do another one at home. 

In Jigsaw this afternoon we had a really in depth discussion about how we talk to our friends and how words can hurt others feelings too. 

It is dress like an Elf day tomorrow with a suggested donation of a bottle or chocolates to the POWSA Christmas Fair (next Friday 10th).

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Year 3: Phileas Fogg, amazing Orient express drama and art!

Well we have certainly had a busy week so far! The children loved coming in and discovering Arctic airways! They spent some time on Monday researching Phileas Fogg and made leaflets on countries that he visited. 

On Tuesday they were in for a special treat as they got to board the 'Orient express'. With help from the Now Press Play headsets and some brilliant conductor commentary (Miss James), the children pretended they were aboard the train, eating snacks, looking at scenery out of the window and evening listening to a marching band. 

After this drama session the children then learnt about Cinquain poems. They used the inspiration of their train journey to write their poems making sure they they had the correct amount of syllables for each line (2,4,6,8,2). These were fantastic and will be going up in the writing hall of fame when our snowy scene is down!

This afternoon we stayed on the train theme and looked at this art deco picture.
Using chalk, oil pastels and paper to add depth, the children then tried to recreate the picture. The results were fantastic!! Below is a small selection of these which are now in the children's sketch books. 

The children have learnt about advent this week and even made a class advent wreath 

Today the children started their kindness advent. Each day they get to choose a token which gives them a suggestion. Today's was "hold the door open for someone". Accompanying this, the children get to choose a festive magnetic bookmark. We were gifted a chocolate advent today from a lovely child in Year 1, so we will also have this! 

In light of the communication about everyone having to have a PCR test, we have of course had another discussion in the class this afternoon as lots of children were taken out. If anyone has any questions about this please do feel free to contact me or talk to me at the door in the morning or after school. 

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team  

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Year 3: So proud!!!

Wow what an AMAZING assembly the children performed today (twice!) They performed with such confidence and grace. They really have loved learning about the Celts and Romans. 

This afternoon the children performed the assembly to the rest of the school and it is safe to say that they thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Thank you all so much for your support with getting the children to learn their lines and of course for their brilliant shields! 

Now let the festivities commence!!

Tomorrow we are going to be having our next reward for filling up our house points. This time it is 'decorate a biscuit'. 

See you all in the morning

Mrs Thorpe and the fabulous Year 3 team 

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Year 3: Clay Iron Men and musical breaks

We have been busy bees this week filming and practising for the assembly tomorrow. We can't wait to see you all in the morning at 9.20am!

Today the children used clay to make their very own Iron Man as inspired by the whole class text that we are reading by Ted Hughes. They learnt how to manipulate the clay and smooth over the cracks, adding texture. We were really impressed by the figures and these will be coming home once they are dry. 

This afternoon we were treated to an amazing musical showcase of many songs on the piano. Very brave and confident to perform in front of everyone.
I've had lots of children asking to play their musical instrument to the class. I am sure over the next few weeks we can schedule some times for musical breaks :)

Friday, 19 November 2021

Year 3 Spellings for this week


Year 3: Let's battle!!

 We've had a great week carrying on our learning about the Romans and Celts. At the beginning of the week the children did Now, Press, Play based around the story of a Roman soldier.

We have been doing some really tricky Maths today using the bar model to work out our answers. Congratulations to all of the children that received Mathletics certificates today! 

Today we finally did our battle! I can confirm that no Celts or Romans were hurt in the battle! 

More video footage of this to come next week during our assembly! Just a reminder that this is on Thursday 25th at 9.20am. This weeks home learning is to practice their lines which they have taken home today. If you don't have them then I can email you.

And finally today the children did their sponsored mile backwards! 

In Praise assembly today Jensen and Henry W got certificates for their great persuasive writing and Ava was praised for amazing effort in her spellings. 

We hope you have a great weekend. I've said that if the children get a chance to have another look at the Horrible Histories Boudicca song which we will be doing next week! 

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Year 3: End of the week

 On Thursday the children took part in the 2 minute act of remembrance. They learnt all about remembrance day and had to form full sentences from the facts they had read. 

Yesterday, in pairs, they finished their writing and research about Roman soldiers. Using Kiddle and 'I wouldn't want to be a Roman Soldier' book, the children had a question which they had to research and write about. For example one of the areas that they had to look at was what Roman soldiers used to wear, what their training was like and why they were at Hadrian's wall. 

In computing we discussed age ratings on games and movies. We spoke about what it is you need to do if you see anything inappropriate on a game or if you hear or read anything. The children were very good at reasoning about this topic. We talked about the online games and websites being accessed at home and the importance of not talking to strangers online and how they would react to someone contacting them that they didn't know. 

Yesterday afternoon in Science the children were experimenting to find out which material a car would travel the furthest over. 

In groups they then had to put their data into a block graph. 

We've had a very busy week with some amazing learning taking place. 

We hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 

Year 3: Home learning and spellings 12/11/21

 For this week's home learning we have set Miss White's Maths competition

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Year 3 - Children in Need Reminder

Yesterday the children will have brought home Children in Need sponsorship forms if they were in school. Please support them to fundraise for our Year 3 team mile, which we will complete by moving backwards! If you need a form let us know on the door or email please.

Here is a reminder of the fun-filled events we have taking place next week in aid of Children in Need.

Bake Sale! Friday 19th November. 3:30pm.

  • Please can families bake or buy cake/ treats to contribute.

  • Bake sale goodies to be brought into school on morning of Friday 19th November.

  • *All cakes/treats/food must be labelled with ingredients and contain no traces of nuts*

Pudsey Goodies

  • Items will be for sale for the whole Children in Need week at the office and in the playground.

Fancy Dress Day.

  • Come to school on Friday 19th Nov in Spotty or Sporty clothes!

  • Suggested £1 donation for coming in fancy dress please.

Sponsorship Forms
  • Please can these be returned to school with any fundraising the by Friday 26th November.

Year 3: Forest school pouches


Today in Forest School the children have started to make leather pouches. They had to hammer the holes using a metal punch. We will carry these on next week. We also made bird feeders for the trees. 

In Science today the children were taught about friction and many questions were asked about whether or not a surface is better having more/less friction. On Friday we will do an experiment on this. 

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Year 3: Roman Soldiers and reading books

Good evening everyone! 

Today the children started to research about Roman Soldiers. We are going to compile the information that they find out to make a non chronological report. 

In Power Maths we have been estimating numbers and rounding numbers to the nearest 100. For example if the number was 322 then the children had to write the nearest 100 (300). 

Please could we have all reading books in school. Lots of children have many books out, some that they haven't brought back for a long time. 

Finally, thank you so much for your support. The children's home learning has been absolutely amazing and we really appreciate it. The shields are phenomenal! We will be doing the 'battle' next week. 

The Year 3 team 

Saturday, 6 November 2021

Year 3: Home learning 5/11


Year 3: End of the week Science, Art, reading and praise assembly!

 Yesterday we had a fantastic Science lesson based around forces. The children were able to question and reason around the topic and show which way the contact force was being put on an object. 

In Art we looked at how we can use oil pastels to make a firework picture with a reflection over water. These were really impressive! 

We spoke about firework safety and the importance of being sensible around sparklers.

We then had our praise assembly. Congratulations to:
William- Resourceful Rose award for making links to prior knowledge related to our forces work
Elliott-Celebrating difference award for being such a supportive friend in the class
Edie was praised for her fantastic inference question linked to our new book The Iron Man. 

We started to read this book yesterday. Please could I ask that the children don't purchase this and read this at home. We spend our time making predictions and inference questions about the text. If they have already read this then it makes it a little difficult. We have shared the following texts this week:

We hope you have a safe, fun filled weekend. 

The Year 3 team