Saturday 13 November 2021

Year 3: End of the week

 On Thursday the children took part in the 2 minute act of remembrance. They learnt all about remembrance day and had to form full sentences from the facts they had read. 

Yesterday, in pairs, they finished their writing and research about Roman soldiers. Using Kiddle and 'I wouldn't want to be a Roman Soldier' book, the children had a question which they had to research and write about. For example one of the areas that they had to look at was what Roman soldiers used to wear, what their training was like and why they were at Hadrian's wall. 

In computing we discussed age ratings on games and movies. We spoke about what it is you need to do if you see anything inappropriate on a game or if you hear or read anything. The children were very good at reasoning about this topic. We talked about the online games and websites being accessed at home and the importance of not talking to strangers online and how they would react to someone contacting them that they didn't know. 

Yesterday afternoon in Science the children were experimenting to find out which material a car would travel the furthest over. 

In groups they then had to put their data into a block graph. 

We've had a very busy week with some amazing learning taking place. 

We hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 

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