Sunday, 31 January 2021

Rocking on with TTRS - 31st January 2021

 A very big well done to all of you who have been rocking up with Times Table Rockstars this week.  Each and every one of you will be receiving a Resilient Tortoise award for keeping practicing those times table skills.

This week we would like to praise the following children in each class for either achieving the most number of coins in the past week or the most time per day spent rocking (or both):

Year 2 Rock Solid Rockers are:  Marissa and Vasilis

Year 3's Rock Legend is: Alfie D

Year 4's Rocking around the clock stars are:  Elsie and Lucas

Well done everyone!

And remember TTRS is not essential, it is an added, extra fun way of building your times table recall.

Keep Rocking!

Mathletics Update - 31st January 2021


 Another week of home learning done and a very big well done for all that you do.  We have had lots of children logging in and making use of mathletics and each and every one of you will receive a Marvellous Me Resourceful Spider badge to say well done for your Mathletics learning!

We would like to celebrate the following children achieving their next Mathletics Bronze Awards this week:

Georgia, Ellis, Lucia, Malie, Florence, Joshua, Imogen, Alexander, Mia, George P, Jessica, Kizzy, William, Anna, Asimina, Vasilis, Hollie, Joel, Rosa, Oscar, Jessica, Alfred, Charlie, George, Charlie and Layla.

Well done everyone!

And remember... Mathletics is an optional extra.  Its not essential, but provides an extra platform to practice those important skills if you have time.

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Y3 Zoom is today

 Hello everyone 

The zoom meetings will be happening this afternoon and will be using the same code as on the previous email. 

If you have any issues please email me at

Monday, 25 January 2021

TTRS and Mathletics Clarification - 25th January 2021


Mathletics / TTRS clarification 

In response to feedback we would like to clarify that participation in TTRS (years 2-4) and Mathletics (years 1-4) learning platforms are an optional way of gaining extra practice in those key maths skills.  They have never been mandatory and we would urge you to use them as you see fit to support your learning at home.  There is no pressure to take part. 

We know that you are doing a wonderful job at home and by sharing success here we wanted to celebrate your child's achievements in using these resources.  We will continue to celebrate some of these each week through our blogs, but the majority of praise for your child's effort will come through marvellous me. 

Thank you all for your continued effort in supporting your children learning at home. 

Sunday, 24 January 2021

TTRS Weekly Rock Update - 24th January 2021


Well done 89% of you have logged on this week to learn your times tables and related division facts.  That is amazing.  Each minute you spend on Times Table Rockstars means that you are getting better at remembering those important facts.  A big well done to:

Hollie, Joel, George D, Rosa, Lana, Olive, William F, Freddie, Oscar, Gracie, Jacob H, Jessica, Jesse, Olivia, Cameron, Tom, Kailani, Arlo, Lottie, William T, Charlie, George W and Alfred.

And spending a record amount of time - on average, nearly 10 minutes a day, a special well done to:

Alfie and Ilarya

Weekly Mathletics Update - 24th January 2021


 Well done everyone for continuing with your Maths online by using Mathletics!  

This week we had lots of you logging in to earn more points and certificates.  Well done to these children for their efforts:

Hollie, Joel, Rosa, Oscar, Jessica, Alfred, Charlotte, Olivia, Cameron, Tom and George W.

Special certificate winners for earning 1000 or more points this week are:

Hollie, Joel, Oscar, Alfred, Charlotte and George W.

And someone has achieved their second GOLD!!!!!




Well done everybody, keep working hard and trying your best.  You are amazing!

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Year 3 - Super Learning, School Books and Smiling - 21st January 2021

Hello Everyone!

It has been wonderful to see all of your wonderful learning at home.  Well done all of you for being resilient learners.  It is undoubtedly tough to get motivated sometimes, but you have shown us that you keep on going!  Well done!

We love to see your learning via email, if you haven't sent any pictures so far please do so.  You will find our email addresses on the school website.

We have sent another resource pack home today and hopefully you have Mr Spracklen and Mr Barbour's Egg challenge.  You will also find a chalk in your pack which will help you with the shadow drawing next week in our Science Lessons (if we see any sunshine).  If not you might need to be inventive indoors with torches (sounds like fun)!

Well done to those of you that have to learn at home sometimes and sometimes at school because your parents are key workers.  Those of you that do come into school for lessons, or have to learn in other places too will need to make sure you bring your books with you.  The best way to organise this is to keep all of your books in one place, like in your school bag, and bring them every time that you come to school.  It can all be a bit topsy turvy and unsettling at the moment, learning in different places, but you can make it a little easier by having all the things you need for your learning with you when you come to work at school.

Finally a really important message.  You learn best when you are happy, so make sure you are getting lots of sleep, trying your hardest (nobody can expect any more) and doing something every day that you enjoy (it doesn't have to be for a long time).  Keep smiling everyone!

Take Care,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 😊

 Hello everyone 

It’s been great seeing all the pictures of what you have been doing at home. Thank you for sending them to me. 

Sorry we had to cancel our zoom this week but I will be back on our zoom meetings on Wednesday. 

Stay safe 

Mrs Thorpe 💜

Monday, 18 January 2021

Year 3 - No Zoom this week - 18th January 2021

 Hello everyone!

We hope all goes well at home with your wonderful learning.  Thank you to all of you who have sent us examples of your amazing work.  It is so good to see how much effort you are putting in to your learning.  Unfortunately we will not be able to Zoom meet this week as promised.  However we will be back up and running for Wednesday 27th January at your allotted times.

We look forward to seeing you all then.

Keep Safe and Well.

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Weekly Mathletics Update - 17th January 2021


A big shout out to all of you working hard on Mathletics whilst homeschooling.  As you progress through a range of tasks, games and mental maths questions you can earn points and certificates.  This week's super Mathletes who have earned 1000 points in a week and earned their weekly certificates are:

Silver Awards:

Rosa D

Alfred M

Bronze Awards:

Hollie B



Evie G

William G

Oscar G

William W

Well done everyone from Year 1 to 4 for making the most of this resource at home!  I wonder who will be our amazing Mathletes next week?

Year 3 - Rocking TTRS - 17th January 2021


This Week's Update:

Well done year 3, you are rock legends!  68% of the class have logged on this week and I would like to praise you all for your efforts.  Each week I will be looking at your stats and seeing how much you are improving with your times tables.  I will give a big shout out to all of you taking part.  A special well done this week to:

Jacob, Alfred, Hollie, George, Joel, George, William, Rosa, Arlo, Alfie, Kailani, Lana, Tom, Olive, Cameron, William, Olivia, Oscar, Jesse, Jessica and Charlotte!

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Year 3: Zoom zoom zoom ... brilliant zoom

 Hello everyone!

It was fantastic to see you all on zoom this afternoon and catch up with what you have been up to. Thank you to Mums and Dads who helped to load all of the children on to this. The meeting codes will stay the same each week as will the time. I hope this is ok with everyone. Any problems please just give me an email. I asked the children for next week to find one thing that they would like to share with the group. Maybe something that they make during the week? 

Tomorrow you will have a pack coming home. Please can you watch the video

 I explain some of the items in the pack. Again if you have any questions or would like any resources please do let me know. 

We will be taking part in the big bird watch at the end of the month. In preparation for this I have started to feed the birds at school. I wonder where possible, could you put any food in your garden for the birds? 

Speak to you all again soon

💜Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 😀

Friday, 8 January 2021

Year 3: Some information for this week

Hello everyone. Well that definitely isn't the start of the Spring term that we were expecting! It's such a shame that we are in this situation again but we must all keep in touch and try and stay positive for the children. 

I have been really impressed with the learning that is happening at home already. On Tuesday the children will have home learning that has been set by me (Mrs Thorpe). I have tried to add in some videos to explain to the children what it is I would like them to do. I've also tried not to make all of it technology based. I know obviously having a mixture of the both is very helpful for you at home, especially if you are trying to juggle your own work. Please do keep us updated with any suggestions on ways to help with the online learning and please don't feel the pressure to go through everything. One thing I would say is that it would be best not to go ahead of what we have set in Power Maths and RWI Spellings. This is because when we all come back together we will set off again all from the same point. If some of the PM books haven't been completed then we can catch up on this but we'd rather you not rush through the book but keep to what we have set. 

On the timetable next week there are hyperlinks to the learning tasks and videos. On the Power Maths section there is the Discover and Share and the Think Together hyperlink. This would be good to work through with your child on as it explains how to work through the learning in the lesson. The children should then be able to work through the one lesson hopefully with less help in their books. 

I've sent everyone at home a zoom code for Wednesday pm. This zoom gathering will happen at the same time every week. If you can't make the meeting then do not worry but it would be great to talk with all the children in small groups then. 

We hope you have a lovely restful weekend and manage to get some daily exercise in this chilly weather. 

Sending lots of positivity and togetherness. Everyone in the Year 3 team is here for you all. Please do not hesitate to get in contact whenever you need to.

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team x

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Year 3: Welcome to the Spring term!


We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow to start the Spring term. 

This half term we will be only having Forest School on a Wednesday but this will start next week. For Spring 1 Forest School will be for Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor will be inside with Mrs Hall. After the half term we will be switching the groups around. This is so that we have a regular slot of Forest School. 

This week we will be reminding the children about Building Learning Powers and the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset. We will be introducing Remi the Reflective Monkey.  

In Literacy/History we will start our new topic on Stone Age to the Iron Age. 

In Maths we will start the next unit of Multiplication and Division. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do feel free to email us. 

😃Mrs Thorpe, Miss Johnson and the Year 3 team 😃