Monday 25 January 2021

TTRS and Mathletics Clarification - 25th January 2021


Mathletics / TTRS clarification 

In response to feedback we would like to clarify that participation in TTRS (years 2-4) and Mathletics (years 1-4) learning platforms are an optional way of gaining extra practice in those key maths skills.  They have never been mandatory and we would urge you to use them as you see fit to support your learning at home.  There is no pressure to take part. 

We know that you are doing a wonderful job at home and by sharing success here we wanted to celebrate your child's achievements in using these resources.  We will continue to celebrate some of these each week through our blogs, but the majority of praise for your child's effort will come through marvellous me. 

Thank you all for your continued effort in supporting your children learning at home. 

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