Sunday 22 September 2024

Amrit Sanskar, Latitude and Longitude and the Poles!

 Hello Year 3 Families,

We had another lovely week in Year 3, we are all settling in nicely. We made the most of the good weather this week and took the opportunity to move our learning outside as much as possible!

In science we have been learning about how water is transported around plants, building on our knowledge of plant roots. We conducted and investigation which used water mixed with food colouring to demonstrate transportation of water around a flower. We observed the flowers changing over the week. 

In Maths we have continued our focus on place value within 1000, and demonstrated our knowledge using place value counters and number lines. We will finish this unit next week.

In English we have continued our story of Leon and the Place Between, this week we have started working with directed speech and how to convey emotion. 

In RE we explored the Sikh Ceremony of Amrit Sanskar we had a go at creating our own Amrit, mixed it with a sword as they do in the ceremony and of course sprinkled some on our heads!! Next week we will be learning about The 5ks.

In Geography we continued to build on our knowledge of the equator, longitude and latitude and started our focus on the Arctic and Antarctica. We went outside, made our own Earth and use our knowledge to draw a map which included the North and South Pole, Equator and drew on lines of Longitude and Latitude. Hence why everyone was a bit chalky on Thursday.

It's been a busy week but a lovely one!

All children should have brought home a folder this week, which includes their logins,  their spellings or RWI and their class homework which is a two week research project on animals from the Arctic or Antartica. If you do not have any of this please let me know.

Looking forward to the week ahead.

Ms Evans, Mrs Scott and Mrs Thomas.


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