Sunday 29 September 2024

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares, The 5 Ks and Peeling and Chopping

 Hi Year Three Families,

We had another busy week in Year Three, the children are doing so well, I'm so impressed by their kindness, resilience and the determination and care that they take with their work.

We had a fantastic and magical visit from The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares on Tuesday, we will be continuing to work them throughout the year.

In RE we are continuing to explore Sikhism, we started a two week focus on the 5ks the children really enjoyed using the artefacts.

In Geography we deepened our understanding of the contrasts between the two poles. We've had some lovely home learning on Artic and Antartic animals please do continue to send these in. They are due next Friday and we will be making a display in the Classroom.

In Maths we have finished our unit on Place Value within 1000 and next week we will begin our next unit on addition and subtraction.

In English we are continuing our focus on Leon and the Place Between, this week we have been focussing on Modal Verbs and Figurative Expanded Noun Phrases.

We focussed on practising peeling and chopping in DT and everyone was very successful at peeling a carrot and chopping an apple safely.

You may have noticed that all children came home with class spellings this week, we are recapping words from year 2, although the words may seem 'easy' these are identified words that they need to improve their consistency of spelling correctly. Please ensure that reading records are return in their folders   on Fridays this really helps us make sure children bring home all their essentials. 

Please make sure that children bring a coat with them as wet weather is due.

Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss anything.

Ms Evans, Mrs Scott and Mrs Thomas

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