Monday 7 October 2024

Code, Test and Debug!

In today’s lesson, Year 3 took another exciting step into the world of coding. Our focus was on creating programs using the skills we’ve built up so far and learning about the importance of nesting in our codes.

What Did We Learn?

First, we got creative and used our prior knowledge to build different computer programs. Whether it was designing a game or solving a puzzle, everyone got to experiment with coding in a fun way! But coding isn’t just about creating – it’s also about making sure everything works smoothly. That’s where testing and debugging came in. We tested our programs to check for mistakes, then debugged them to fix any errors.

What Is Nesting?

We also learned about something called nesting, which is when one set of instructions is placed inside another. It might sound tricky, but once we got the hang of it, nesting made our programs work even better! By understanding nesting, we could solve problems faster when debugging.

Success in Coding!

By the end of the lesson, we all felt like coding pros! We learned how important it is to test and debug our programs and why nesting can be a game-changer when things aren’t working quite right.

We’re excited to keep exploring and building more creative programs next week! Keep an eye on this space for more updates on our coding journey.


Mr Spracklen

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