Sunday 13 October 2024

Food and Nutrition, Maps and a trip to the farm.

 Hi Year Three Families,

We've had another busy week in Year 3, we started by a lovely visit to Maiden Castle Farm, this visit we focussed on grain and how crops are planted and harvested, the whole class enjoy this lovely trip.

In Science we introduced a new topic; Animals including Humans. We've started with a focus on Food and Nutrition, we were learning about the 'traffic light system' which helps promote making healthy choices. We also learnt about how much sugar there can be drinks. This week for home learning we are continuing this focus. 

In Geography we have continued our learning about the Polar Regions and have used Atlas's to further our knowledge.

We also had fantastic inputs from Sherene as part of Food Faith and Farming Fortnight and a lovely visit from Ashton Galloway for World Sight Day.

Looking forward to the week ahead,we will be starting a new book in English called The Heart and the Bottle and will continue this focus until half term.

We are busily preparing for our Harvest assembly and we are looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

This week Miss Gosling will be joining us until February as part of her teacher training, we can't wait to be part of her exciting  journey!

As ever please do get in touch if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Ms Evans

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