Thursday 3 October 2024

Dance, Food Tasting and a very special Visitor

 Hi Year 3 Families,

We've had such a lovely week in Year 3 this week! It's been a busy one.

In English we have been writing stories based on Leon and the Place Between, we will finish these over the next few days and move onto a new focus next week. In Maths we have begun our focus on Addition and Subtraction and started our new 'Embedding the Impact' Mastery Maths curriculum. I wonder if the children can tell you what an addend and sum are?

In DT today we were tasting seasonal foods in preparation for making our own seasonal tarts in a few weeks time.  Children sampled Tomatoes, courgette, mozzarella, pesto and tomato puree, I was impressed at how keen the children were to try new foods. 

On Wednesday we had our first dance session, the children loved this session, we will be having 10 dance sessions and at the end of the block there will be a special performance which you will all be invited to,

In Science we are continuing to explore seed dispersal before moving on to our next topic next week.

We had a very special guest today join us for Geography, Spencer Cheung joined us to talk about his time in Antarctica, this was a fascinating talk which we all enjoyed. What a special experience to talk with someone who has been to the most extreme continent on the planet! Thank you from everyone in Year 3 for your time today!

On Monday we will be visiting Maiden Castle Farm as part of our Food, Faith and Farming Fortnight, if you would like to come with us you would be very welcome, please let me know. Please can all children bring suitable footwear such as wellies or walking boots and dress for the weather. 

Our Harvest Assembly is on the 18th October, we hope you can join us.

Home Learning has been trickling in all week and we are looking forward to having more join us tomorrow. Mrs Scott and I have been so impressed with everyone's work, we are displaying it in the classroom.

I'm having a few technical issues, but I will update with photos tomorrow

As ever please do get in touch if you would like to discuss anything.

Ms Evans, Mrs Scott and Mrs Thomas

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