Saturday 5 October 2024

Photos, home learning and reminders

 Hi Year 3 families,

As promised here are some photos from this week.

I was blown away by all the home learning children have completed, it was lovely to see all the different ways children chose to represent their knowledge and understanding of polar animals. Thank you for supporting children in developing their knowledge, it is lovely to witness such supportive home learning.

This week children have brought home an A3 sheet with some creative and imaginative questions on. This week I would like children to use their imaginations to create written answers and drawings. (Imagination was our emotion focus on Friday.)  As explained to the children there is no right or wrong answers but the more creative and imaginative the children are the more fun they will have. They will also practise their handwriting, spelling and sentence structure without realising!

There was also a spelling sheet, this continues to recap our Year 2 spellings, which will help us to be more consistent with their spelling in their written work.

We are off to Maiden Castle Farm on Monday Morning, please ensure everyone has welly boots or suitable walking boots and has a coat to match the weather forecast for Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend

Ms Evans

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