Tuesday 2 March 2021

Y3: Last week before we see you all again :)

Apologies about not blogging very much last week but CONGRATULATIONS to Isla for winning the Year 3 part of the bird competition set by Mr Farrington what a beautiful Kingfisher it was! A massive well done to our highly recommended and anyone that took part. 

The last week of distance learning school is upon us! I hope you enjoy the second week of Fairtrade fortnight. Next week we are looking forward to seeing everyone again and developing a school routine. We will be having a Science week next week and have many exciting collaborative learning opportunities planned so that we can move forward with the school year and adjust to being in a different environment. 

I will still be doing the group zooms as I did last week and look forward to seeing all the children. If you do have any concerns or your child is feeling unsettled about next week please do contact me. It is a normal feeling to feel anxious when they have been at home with your family units for such a long time. We look forward to seeing them all and having them back together and we will work through the different emotions that the children will face. 

And finally thank you so much for the delivery of delicious treats yesterday they were much appreciated! 

Speak to you all very soon

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team x

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