Monday 29 January 2024

Year 3: An awesome Monday!

We have had an inspiring Monday with the arrival of KAPLA clubs. All the children in the school got to be part of this amazing experience. It was Year 3's job to build towers and then join them together to make a bridge! And what a bridge it was!! The children did brilliantly at following instructions from our teacher Jennifer and make some fantastic structures. 

In English we have read to the end of our story and made comparisons of what the city was like at the beginning of the story and at the end. 

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow or Wednesday for parents evening. Please come into the classroom and wait for your appointment. We will leave the children's books on the table for you to look at. 

Friday 26 January 2024

Year 3 : Week 4

 This week we have been looking at:

We have used this book of poetry in English to write descriptions of a city, imaginary world and to develop our use of speech marks. We will continue to use this book for the next couple of weeks. 

In Maths we have finished unit 5 on Multiplication and will be spending some time now looking at what gaps we still have before moving on to our next unit. 

In Science this week we had a special visitor. Dr Higgins came in and gave a fascinating talk about our bones, the children recalled all of the facts today in Science! Thank you for coming to give a talk Dr Higgins, we linked this to looking at jobs and all the children now understand that a Doctor is also a Scientist. 

In SCARF we thought about safe and unsafe behaviour and how to reduce this. 

In French we were talking about the different items in a pencil case and asking what you have. This is why our home learning is linked to this French activity, we will use this on Wednesday so please could we have these sheets for then. 

In Art today we learnt out the impressionist Claude Monet. The children learnt how to make different shades of blues to paint his famous picture 'water lilies'. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

We have an exciting activity happening on Monday as wea KAPLA workshop. 

 All parents are invited in at 3.15pm to view the KAPLA creations with their children. We cannot wait to see what the children in are going to make!! 

🌈The Year 3 Team 🌈

Sunday 21 January 2024

Year 3: Week 3

 This week the children have been working hard in English writing in the past tense. They have been writing the key facts of what happened to Ernest Shackleton and his crew on the Endurance. 

In Maths we have been working through lessons using the 8 times tables. This has been a challenge and definitely something everyone can keep on practicing especially on TTRS. 

In our SCARF lesson we were discussing the use of the internet and how not everything that is on the internet is true. We spoke about age rating in Computing and linked this with this lesson. The children understand that they should always seek help from an adult if something comes up on the screen that they are not sure of. 

In Art this week we focused on the watercolour artist David McEown. He travels to Antarctica and the Arctic to paint. We used our skills that we learnt last week to paint a picture of an iceberg. 

In Science we finished off out learning about health and nutrition and have moved on to learning about our muscles and this week we will learn about bones with a special visitor. 

Parent's evening slots will open this week. If you cannot make any of the allocated times or think you would like a longer talk please feel free to email me. 

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 

Thursday 11 January 2024

French Today - Amélie's Letter

In French today with Mr Spracklen, we looked at this letter that Katie had just received from Amélie, her new pen friend -

Mr Spracklen asked the children what they think might be in the letter? We then read the letter together.

We did not all know all the words, but we used our language detective skills together to look for clues and to predict what the letter says.

Great #InspiredToLearn in action!

Sunday 7 January 2024

Year 3: First week of Spring

 This week the children have settled back into school routines incredibly well. In Power Maths we have been focussing on the 3 times table and on Friday all children completed at least 60 times table questions! They understood that if they could work out the first set (1x3-12x3) then they could work out the rest. Some children then went on to do an extra 60 questions which included division. To help us with our times tables this week we have been watching times table videos. 

In English we have been learning how to use conjunctions in sentences and giving justification on what items we would take to Antarctica. We have started to learn about the explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton and will use this as our stimulus for writing over the next couple of weeks. 

In Science we have started our topic on Health and Nutrition. We have started to look at food packing and what makes a healthy diet. The home learning this week is linked to this as we would like you to compare two food items that you like to eat at home. 

In Geography we have been learning about the lines of longitude and latitude, where the northern and southern hemisphere is and countries that are near the equator. 

Swimming went well this week, Mr MacBean said that the 1610 staff havr now assessed the children and so next week they will be in the groups that they are meant to be in. Please do remember hats and can all the children have their coats in school. Especially after the very unpredictable weather we have been having. 

This coming Friday is the Year 3 parent information session. During this session I will tell you all about our learning over the coming term. 

I hope you've been able to enjoy some of this dry weather 🤞

🌈Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell🌈

🌈Mr MacBean + Mrs Thomas 🌈

Monday 1 January 2024

Year 3: Happy New Year!

We hope that you've all had a lovely break and we can't wait to see you all tomorrow and start the Spring term!  

Tomorrow we will be having PE so please can we have PE kits in. We will be doing dance in the hall. If you haven't handed in the swimming letter then please can we have these in. 1610 now say that it is compulsory for all children during the lesson to wear a swimming hat, if they do not have one then they will not be allowed to swim. 

This term we will be learning about Explorers in the past and linking this with learning about our world in both English and Geography. 

I will be leading the parent information session next Friday but in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns please do contact me either by email or at the door in the mornings. 

🌈Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell🌈

🌈Mr MacBean + Mrs Thomas 🌈