What a week we've had! I've been looking back through the pictures and oh my goodness we were moving and shaking this week!
In Science we were looking at North and South poles on magnets and we conducted a 'floating magnet' experiment. We will be continuing our forces focus until the end of half term.
In Geography we were identifying human and physical features of South America and we had a rather wonderful visit from a furry friend during the lesson!
On Thursday our friends from TeachRex brought Thomas the Gorilla to meet us, just before lunch we also met a baby sloth and a parrot, true Inspired To Learn at it's best!
On Friday in DT we made our castles, this was such a fun afternoon and the children were brilliantly resilient as we worked through the trials and tribulations of cutting, sticking and folding to make them!
I have been blown away by all the amazing progress children have been making in English since the beginning of term, they are doing so well!
Friday brings Miss Gosling's last day with us, Miss Gosling has worked incredibly hard with the class since October and I know myself and the children will miss her as we wave her off on her next adventure. So a HUGE Year 3 club THANK YOU to her!!
We have parent's consultations to look forward to this week I can't wait to share all the fabulous work children have done since our last meetings.
Please do get in touch if you need anything.
Ms Evans, Miss Gosling, Mrs Scott and Mrs Thomas.