Sunday 12 November 2023

Year 3: Week 3- The week ahead

We have a few things coming up this week so this is just a quick reminder. 

Today (Monday) is the start of our Therapeutic Thinking week and we encourage everyone to wear odd socks. 

On Tuesday- It is world diabetes day and so children can wear blue nail varnish. Also on Tuesday and Wednesday we will be doing outdoor learning (half the class at a time on a each day) so please can we have raincoats and wellies. 

Friday is Children in Need. This year it is wear a silly hat, children can also come in non school uniform for a £1 suggested donation. We will be having a bake sale after school. If you are able to donate cakes for this then that would be appreciated. Please label ingredients on everything. 

As well as these activities, we will be thinking about how we feel and how are actions affect others. In English we will be learning about writing in past and present tense and in Maths we will be developing our learning of subtraction using the column method. In Science we will be investigation magnet strength. 

We have a huge amount of unnamed lost property that includes snack pots, lunch bottles, drinks bottles and many many jumpers. If you are missing anything please do let us know, we'll put the trolley out after school again today. We are really trying to encourage independence in Year 3 but are always encouraging the children to take their drinks bottles out for lunch and break and the children can have drinks and fill up their drinks bottles throughout the day. We have a fountain outside for children to use if they don't have their drinks. 

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or see me at the door. 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell

Mr MacBean + Mrs Thomas 

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