Saturday 18 May 2024

Year 3: Learning this week and home learning

 This week we have been writing expanded noun phrases using the pictures from our focus book 'Flotsam'.

For example: A craggy turtle with a mottled, coffee coloured shell. 
An expanded noun phrase adds more detail to the noun by using an adjective. 

In Maths we have been looking at unit and non unit fractions. The home learning sheet focuses on non unit fractions. We spent a long time yesterday going through these. The children should understand that they need to work out a unit fraction first. So they need to know for example what 1/4 of 20 is before being able to work out 3/4. To do this we find out how many 4s(the denominator) are in 20. Once we know what 1/4 is (5) then we x3 =15 so 3/4 of 20 is 15. 
The home learning sheet is here for anyone that did not bring theirs home. I can also print these on Monday. This Maths focus is on unit fractions. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

The Year 3 Team 

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