Friday 21 April 2023

Year 3: Our bodies, sketching, germination and more!

 This week the children have been learning about our new topic- The Rainforest. In Geography they explored where the rainforests are in the world by looking at the map of the world. We then took this knowledge into our English writing where we were using the conjunctions because, as and such as to write about rainforests and in particular the Amazon rainforest. 

In Maths we have been adding and subtracting lengths where the children have had to convert lengths first. For example 1m35cm + 245cm. We would convert 1m35cm- 135cm to make the addition easier. 

We had a visit from Harold and his friends from the Life Education in our SCARF lesson. We learnt about what was happening in our body and got to use an amazing interactive T shirt that showed the working organs inside our body. 

In Art we were developing our skills in using pencils and sketching. We were learning about the art of John Dyer and the Yawanawa tribe of the Amazon. 

In Science we were investigating what seeds need to grow and what plants need to survive. We revisited an investigation which we carried out in the Autumn term on how water is transported through plants. 

Thank you so much to Sarah for donating a whole set of Tom Gates books for our class library. They have already all been borrowed and the children are loving reading them! 

In praise assembly today the children were introduced to our Choose Kindness focus. We will be using this slogan and linking this with our Therapeutic Thinking approach to work on how we should be treating others. 

Next week we have a visit from the bugman (Tuesday morning). Please can we have PE kits and reading records in on Friday. We had a very low number of these in this week. 

Have a lovely weekend

🌻Mrs Thorpe, Mr MacBean, Miss Alston, Mrs Hall and Mrs Scott🌻

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