Sunday 30 June 2024

Y3: Inclusive Sports fortnight starts tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the beginning of our Inclusive Sports fortnight and we have some very exciting workshops for the children. 

Monday- In small groups year 3 will be having skateboarding lessons and they will be taking part in a whole class kickboxing session. 

Wednesday- KS2 Have their own Science assembly with Mini Professors

Thursday- Transfer afternoon. Year 3 will be spending the afternoon with Ms Browne, Mrs Bernard and MrsMcConnell in the Year 4 classroom. 

Friday- Gaspard will be working with Year 3 on African dancing. 2.30pm All families are welcome in to watch and take part in dance day. 

*Please note that I (Mrs Thorpe) will be in on Thursday and not on Friday this week. 

What an amazing week full of rich learning and life experiences we will have!

Friday 28 June 2024

Year 3: Operation 'Save the Newts'

 Today Year 3 did a fantastic job of clearing the very overgrown pond. Whilst doing this they saved many newts. Our school pond is such a haven for newts and we think we caught over 60 in our time there! 

We are now going to have a pond team that are going to come up here and check on the pond a couple of times a week. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Year 3: THANK YOU!

Thank you all so much for your support today. Not only did we have over 16 brilliant Science Fair projects but Year 3 rocked their first day of the fiver challenge and we wouldn't have done this without your support so THANK YOU!

We have until Monday 8th July to restock our stalls and get ready to sell again! We can use the money we have made to make more items and restock what we need to. We may even have an extra stall or two. 

The Science Fair projects will be placed around the school over the next few weeks. 

Sunday 23 June 2024

KS2 Sports morning change of time

KS2 Sports morning on Tuesday 9th July will now be 9.15am- 11am 

Sorry for an inconvenience 

KS2 Team 

Friday 21 June 2024

Year 3: Our changing body lesson today

 Today we had our changing body lesson in SCARF. The children learnt what happens to male and female bodies when they go through puberty. 

For the males we spoke about the deepening of voices and pubic hair growing. We also labelled the organs and spoke about sperm in the testicles and how this can sometimes lead to a wet dream. 

For the female body we spoke about developing breasts, hips widening, pubic hair growing and then we spoke about the menstrual cycle and what a period is. We had lots of questions about this. It's so important that the children are hearing about this now because studies have shown that more and more girls are having periods from the age of 9/10. The girls also see and hear things regarding this and so we need them to full understand and not feel scared about this. 

I spoke to both the girls and the boys separately about this and then bought them together as a class to discuss. They were brilliant and very respectful of everyones feelings. We really encouraged the children to come and talk to you about this and that it happens to everyone and not to be worried or embarrassed. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Year 3: Fiver Challenge

Today the children have finished designing and making their posters to advertise the fiver challenge and what they will be selling. 

Our first selling session will be after the Science Fair on Wednesday 26th June. If any parents are coming to this and available to help set up the tables out the back of the hall we would greatly appreciate this please. 

As well as making the posters today, the children have been working together to make some of the items. We have bookmarks, jewellery, loom band bracelets, painted pebbles, cakes and then the games which are penalty shoot out, guess the amount in the jar and a lucky dip. 

If your child would really like to branch out and make or buy anything else then please let me know but there is no pressure to do this. 

We are still looking for donations of any beads for jewellery making please and also any old party bag fillers that we could put together for the lucky dip. 

Thursday 13 June 2024

Year 3: Our learning so far this half term.

First of all I'd like to apologise about the silence on the blogs. We have been really busy this half term and do have lots to show you. 

Roundhouse building

The children have been helping Antony to build the roundhouse. It was great to watch everyone getting stuck in with assembling the walls and daubing. 

We have been investigating the properties of different rocks.

In computing we have been learning about simulations. The children have been working in pairs to work through a series of simulations. They had to make decisions and see what happens. Alongside this we have been using purplemash to email. The children understand the importance of esafety and all emails are sent through me. 


In English we have been looking at the story of :

It's quite a comical story. The children have been writing using present tense verbs and adapting adverbs such as 'terribly sorry or extremely worried'. 


We have now moved on from Money are are looking at time. If you have an analogue clock at home please do encourage your child to start reading the time. They have learnt how to count in 5s and that anything past half past will then be to the hour. 


This term the SCARF lessons are about growing and changing. In week 1 we spoke about our families and the relationships outside of the families that we can have. This week we reminded ourselves about the pantosaurus rules and discussed personal space and identified when it is appropriate or inappropriate to allow someone into their body space. 

The Fiver challenge 

As stated in the letter that I sent home, this is an enterprise opportunity for the children to work together to try and make as much money as possible from £5. It teaches the children not only about how to work well as part of a team but also how to manage money. This year the majority of this preparation will be done in school. However there are a couple of groups that will require home commitments. If this is a problem please do let me know. The groups are very flexible but any help from you at home either making products or during the selling days would very much be appreciated. I will be sending home a letter tomorrow letting you know what group your child has chosen and the dates that we will be selling. The children started making posters for their groups yesterday. In the meantime, if you have any loom bands, ribbons, beads, card or marbles that you are no longer using then we would love to take them off your hands please. Donations from companies are also welcome. 

If you have any questions about anything mentioned or about the rest of the term please do email me or catch me at the door. Can you believe we only have 5 weeks of year 3 left! 

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 3 team 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Y3: Can anyone help us with driving please?

Welcome to Summer 2! 

We have lots of exciting things planned for the term. We plan to go on a trip but there are no coaches available for booking this half term so we are having to take two mini buses, however they do not fit all of us in! We really need two parents that wouldn't mind both driving with their child and a friend please? If this is something you might be able to do please come and see me at the door in the morning and I can tell you the date. There are no coaches available for booking this half term so we are having to take two mini buses, however they do not fit all of us in! 

Your support would be greatly appreciated 😊

Mrs Thorpe