Friday 21 June 2024

Year 3: Our changing body lesson today

 Today we had our changing body lesson in SCARF. The children learnt what happens to male and female bodies when they go through puberty. 

For the males we spoke about the deepening of voices and pubic hair growing. We also labelled the organs and spoke about sperm in the testicles and how this can sometimes lead to a wet dream. 

For the female body we spoke about developing breasts, hips widening, pubic hair growing and then we spoke about the menstrual cycle and what a period is. We had lots of questions about this. It's so important that the children are hearing about this now because studies have shown that more and more girls are having periods from the age of 9/10. The girls also see and hear things regarding this and so we need them to full understand and not feel scared about this. 

I spoke to both the girls and the boys separately about this and then bought them together as a class to discuss. They were brilliant and very respectful of everyones feelings. We really encouraged the children to come and talk to you about this and that it happens to everyone and not to be worried or embarrassed. 

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