Sunday 30 June 2024

Y3: Inclusive Sports fortnight starts tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the beginning of our Inclusive Sports fortnight and we have some very exciting workshops for the children. 

Monday- In small groups year 3 will be having skateboarding lessons and they will be taking part in a whole class kickboxing session. 

Wednesday- KS2 Have their own Science assembly with Mini Professors

Thursday- Transfer afternoon. Year 3 will be spending the afternoon with Ms Browne, Mrs Bernard and MrsMcConnell in the Year 4 classroom. 

Friday- Gaspard will be working with Year 3 on African dancing. 2.30pm All families are welcome in to watch and take part in dance day. 

*Please note that I (Mrs Thorpe) will be in on Thursday and not on Friday this week. 

What an amazing week full of rich learning and life experiences we will have!

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