Friday 19 July 2024

Year 3: Thank you !

Thank you so much for your kind gifts. We hope you all have a lovely Summer!

The Year 3 team 

Thursday 18 July 2024

Year 3: Last day tomorrow!

Where has that year gone?! 

I can't believe it's the last day of Year 3 tomorrow! We have had a year filled with amazing learning from the Ice Age, Romans, Tolpuddle Martyrs, plants, magnets, our bodies, coasts, Rainforests, inspiring books well there is so much more to mention. The children have really grown up in this year and are all trying so hard in their learning. I am very proud of each and everyone one of them. 

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Year 4 and 3 key members of staff. Please do provide hats, sunglasses and suncream. It's going to be hot outside so we will make sure we have some breaks in the shade. There are no hot lunches tomorrow so a packed lunch will also need to be provided please. 

Have a lovely Summer! 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell
Mr MacBean and Mrs Thomas 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Year 3: Fantastic trip and a great sports morning

 On Monday we went to Dorchester Museum to consolidate our learning on rocks and fossils. We had a fantastic time looking at fossils and following a trail. The children were so well behaved I was incredibly proud of them.  Thank you to Dorchester Museum and our parent helpers. 

Thank you to everyone who came to our sports morning. It was a shame that we couldn't get on the field but the children still had a good time. The photos have not backed up yet but when they do I will share some with you. 

The Fiver challenge has now finished and we made £225.25. Thank you to everyone that helped with this. We look forward to spending part of it on our trip tomorrow. Normal time at school please, snacks to take. We will be back for lunch. 

Sunday 14 July 2024

Year 3: Raincoats needed!

 Please remember raincoats today. At the moment we still plan to go on our trip.

Year 3: Reminders about this week (especially tomorrow)

 I hope you're all having a lovely weekend. This week is a busy week of exciting opportunities for the children and so I just wanted to remind you about what is coming up. 

Tomorrow (Monday)- Trip (please see previous letter communication regarding destination and timings etc) Please let me know if your child is coming in late (email me) . Year 3 children need to either be at school at the normal time or drop your child and meet us at the trip destination by 9.45am. If anyone could help on this trip we are looking for one more volunteer please. 

Tuesday: Sports morning from 9.15am. Children to come into school in PE kits. I am happy for them to stay in these. This will be the last time PE kits will be needed in Year 3. I was going to put our fiver challenge tables out on the playground (unmanned) with an honesty box. We have done so well but have some bits left that we need to sell! We won't be doing the cakes (unless you really want to make and donate) and we won't be doing the penalty shoot out. 

Your child will be bringing home a few books today. In Year 3 most books are handed up to Year 4, however some older books will come home. Please can you make sure your child's bag is empty for this or they have a bag for life/plastic bag to put this in. 

Wednesday: Trip (please see previous letter communication regarding destination and timings etc). We are looking for two volunteers for the trip so if anyone would like to come please let me know. 

Thursday: Mr MacBean's last teaching day. The children can bring in games they would like to play. We ask for no valuable toys, no remote controlled vehicles or anything electronic. 

AR books will be collected in today. If you do not have access to books at home we encourage you to sign up to the summer reading challenge at Dorchester Library which is free and you can also access Fonetti all through the summer. 

Friday: Last day of Year 3! We will be watching the leavers assembly all morning. 

If you have any questions about the week please feel free to email me. 

Mrs Thorpe

Thursday 11 July 2024

Year 3: Tomorrow's fiver challenge and information about the rest of the term

 Tomorrow we will be selling the fiver challenge items after school. Depending how much we sell, I may do a quick sell of left over items after school next week. We do not have anywhere to sell the items if it is raining, but it anyone has any pop up gazebos they could come and erect for us at the end of the day then we would really appreciate this. Fingers crossed it will not rain! 

Tomorrow is now a non school uniform day.

Sunday is obviously the big match and I am sure you have received the information about Monday morning. Please could you let me know if you do decide to start your child later on Monday as we have our school trip. I am happy for you to drop your child there for 9.45am. Please see me at the door or email me if you do decide a later start so that I know numbers for walking and who I should expect there.

Monday afternoon we will be having a film afternoon. 

Tuesday- Our rearranged sports morning starting at 9.15am 

Wednesday- We might have a local visit to somewhere planned (just waiting for confirmation on this) when I know more I will let you know. It is something that the children wanted to do with the fiver challenge money. It is walkable and will not effect lunches. 

Thursday- Last day with Mr MacBean 

Friday- Everyone to bring their own packed lunches. We will be spending the morning watching the leavers assembly.  

Sunday 7 July 2024

Year 3: Coming up in week 6

 Hopefully you have all seen the message about a change of date for the fiver challenge. The forecast definitely isn't in our favour tomorrow! We will endeavour to do this on Friday and if we have anything left over then we might sell them the week after. 

We're looking forward to Sports morning on Tuesday. We will be starting with the playground games at 9.15. We will be having a quick drink and snack at 10 for 15 mins before coming back out for the races. 

Wednesday the children can wear white or red or a football kit. 

Friday fiver challenge selling at the end of the day. 

I have just reset the home learning on Purplemash as I have had some people say that it wasn't there. This isn't something that is handed in but meant to be a recap of the children's knowledge of rocks and fossils. 

The Year 3 team

Friday 5 July 2024

Year 3: Week 5 information and the fiver challenge

 On Monday the children had a great start to our Inclusive Sports fortnight with a kickboxing lesson and skateboarding! 

In Science this week the children have been learning about fossilization. They worked together with the very sticky plasticine to make the four different types of fossils. 
Home learning this week is on Purplemash where we have set two tasks. They can be accessed via the 2do tab at the top of the page, the children are very used to using this. A fossil quiz and a rocks quiz has been set. There are no spellings for Mrs Thorpe's group this week. 

Our next fiver challenge will be on Monday straight after school. Year 3 will be setting up for this at 3.15pm on Monday. If any parents are able to help with the set up then this would be appreciated. We will need to be packed up by 3.50pm. Our last fiver challenge day will be Friday 12th July. 

PE kits should be coming home today. Please can your child come to school on Tuesday in their PE kits ready for our sports morning which will start at 9.15am. Please can the children bring their school uniform to change into. 

The Year 3 team