Thursday 18 July 2024

Year 3: Last day tomorrow!

Where has that year gone?! 

I can't believe it's the last day of Year 3 tomorrow! We have had a year filled with amazing learning from the Ice Age, Romans, Tolpuddle Martyrs, plants, magnets, our bodies, coasts, Rainforests, inspiring books well there is so much more to mention. The children have really grown up in this year and are all trying so hard in their learning. I am very proud of each and everyone one of them. 

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Year 4 and 3 key members of staff. Please do provide hats, sunglasses and suncream. It's going to be hot outside so we will make sure we have some breaks in the shade. There are no hot lunches tomorrow so a packed lunch will also need to be provided please. 

Have a lovely Summer! 

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Scott, Mrs McConnell
Mr MacBean and Mrs Thomas 

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