Monday 16 September 2024

Y3 Computing - A1 W3

Today was a special day at The Prince of Wales School as we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a whole-school photo on the school field! 

To make room for this exciting event, we had a shorter Computing lesson than usual. But don’t worry – Mr. Spracklen made sure we still had a fantastic time.

In our combined Year Three and Year Four session, we delved into the amazing world of 3D printing. We learnt how to design our own 3D models using Purple Mash and TinkerCAD. 

Mr. Spracklen also made a super cool promise: if we design something at home and send him the .STL file (with a bit of help from our parents or carers), he’ll print a mini version of our design using the new 3D printer recently purchased by POWSA!

What a wonderful way to celebrate our school's milestone and learn something new at the same time.

Happy 30th Anniversary The Prince of Wales School! 🎉📸✨

Sunday 15 September 2024

Greetings from Year 3

 Hi Year 3 Families,

What a lovely week we had together, this week has been all about settling in, learning routines, and getting to know each other.

In English we have been exploring the story Leon and The Place in Between, we have been recapping, nouns, verbs and adverbs. We have begun work on incorporating Adverbial Phrases into our sentences.

In Maths we have been exploring Place Value within 1000 using such methods as part-whole models and place value grids.

We will continue this focus in Maths and English next week.

In Science we have begun our work on Plants, on Friday we were exploring the role of 'Roots' and why they are important. (See photos below)

In PHSE were were thinking about our special people and our relationships with them.

AR quizzes were taken this week and most children should have brought a new book home with them.

Please return reading records and homework on Fridays.

PE is Mondays and Fridays.

We had a fantastic session on the BMX bikes on Monday too!

I am very proud of all the children have achieved this week and I'm looking forward to the week ahead.

Ms Evans, Mrs Scott and Mrs Thomas.

Monday 9 September 2024

Exploring Flowcharts and Programming Concepts

Today, our Year 3 class dived into the exciting world of coding! Building on their previous knowledge, the children embarked on a journey to deepen their understanding of how flowcharts play a crucial role in computer programming.

Lesson Aims:

  • To review the coding skills and knowledge they’ve developed so far.
  • To understand what a flowchart is and how it helps programmers map out their ideas.

What are Flowcharts?

A flowchart is a diagram that represents the sequence of actions or steps in a process. In coding, it's used to visually break down complex programs into manageable chunks, helping programmers plan out how their code should function. By learning how to read and use flowcharts, our young coders are taking an essential step toward developing their problem-solving and computational thinking skills.

Success Criteria:

  • Reading and Explaining Flowcharts: The children were first introduced to the symbols and structure of flowcharts. They learned that each shape represents a different action, from starting a program to making decisions based on user input.

  • Using Flowcharts to Create Programs: The next step was putting theory into practice. The students used flowcharts to guide them in creating their own computer programs, understanding how each step of their code connects and functions.

  • Creating Programs with Click Events and Timers: For the grand finale, the class implemented click events and timers in their programs. This added an interactive element, allowing their programs to respond to user actions like button clicks or timed events.

We can’t wait to see what our Year 3 coders create next!

Friday 6 September 2024

Wow What a few days!

 Hi Year 3 Families,

Just a quick blog update just say, how very proud I am of all the children and how well they have settled into life in Year 3.

We have had a lovely time, discussing our Class Charter, writing letters to our future selves and some fantastic maths challenges!

Next week we will introduce our new maths topic of Place Value within 1000, a new book for English Leon and the Place in Between and our new Geography topic of Polar Regions.  

We are taking a slow and steady pace settling into life in Year 3 and will always move forward at a pace to suit the children!

Please give your children a huge pat on the back and a big cuddle and tell them very well done, they have been utterly delightful and myself and Mrs Scott have had a wonderful start to term!

A few reminders, please bring any reading records on Monday as we will bet getting new books from the library.

PE is Monday and Friday and we have a few children without PE kits in school (it's ok it's been two days)

Our first Parent's Information Session is on Friday morning and I am looking forward to seeing you to discuss our plans for this term.

Please do get in touch if you have anything you would like to discuss, I am always on the door at the beginning or end of the day or you can email me

Have a great weekend and I can't wait to do it all again on Monday!

Ms Evans and Mrs Scott

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Welcome back

 Hi Year 3 Families,

Just a quick one, to say We can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!

We are going to have a lovely few days getting to know each other and getting ready for our adventure this year, our timetable will be slightly different tomorrow and Friday whilst we all settle in and we will start or 'normal' timetable on Monday.

The children will have PE on Mondays and Fridays, so please do ensure that PE kits are in school by then.

I can't wait to get started, we are going to have a fantastic time together.

Ms Evans