Monday 9 September 2024

Exploring Flowcharts and Programming Concepts

Today, our Year 3 class dived into the exciting world of coding! Building on their previous knowledge, the children embarked on a journey to deepen their understanding of how flowcharts play a crucial role in computer programming.

Lesson Aims:

  • To review the coding skills and knowledge they’ve developed so far.
  • To understand what a flowchart is and how it helps programmers map out their ideas.

What are Flowcharts?

A flowchart is a diagram that represents the sequence of actions or steps in a process. In coding, it's used to visually break down complex programs into manageable chunks, helping programmers plan out how their code should function. By learning how to read and use flowcharts, our young coders are taking an essential step toward developing their problem-solving and computational thinking skills.

Success Criteria:

  • Reading and Explaining Flowcharts: The children were first introduced to the symbols and structure of flowcharts. They learned that each shape represents a different action, from starting a program to making decisions based on user input.

  • Using Flowcharts to Create Programs: The next step was putting theory into practice. The students used flowcharts to guide them in creating their own computer programs, understanding how each step of their code connects and functions.

  • Creating Programs with Click Events and Timers: For the grand finale, the class implemented click events and timers in their programs. This added an interactive element, allowing their programs to respond to user actions like button clicks or timed events.

We can’t wait to see what our Year 3 coders create next!

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