Friday 6 September 2024

Wow What a few days!

 Hi Year 3 Families,

Just a quick blog update just say, how very proud I am of all the children and how well they have settled into life in Year 3.

We have had a lovely time, discussing our Class Charter, writing letters to our future selves and some fantastic maths challenges!

Next week we will introduce our new maths topic of Place Value within 1000, a new book for English Leon and the Place in Between and our new Geography topic of Polar Regions.  

We are taking a slow and steady pace settling into life in Year 3 and will always move forward at a pace to suit the children!

Please give your children a huge pat on the back and a big cuddle and tell them very well done, they have been utterly delightful and myself and Mrs Scott have had a wonderful start to term!

A few reminders, please bring any reading records on Monday as we will bet getting new books from the library.

PE is Monday and Friday and we have a few children without PE kits in school (it's ok it's been two days)

Our first Parent's Information Session is on Friday morning and I am looking forward to seeing you to discuss our plans for this term.

Please do get in touch if you have anything you would like to discuss, I am always on the door at the beginning or end of the day or you can email me

Have a great weekend and I can't wait to do it all again on Monday!

Ms Evans and Mrs Scott

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