Sunday 15 September 2024

Greetings from Year 3

 Hi Year 3 Families,

What a lovely week we had together, this week has been all about settling in, learning routines, and getting to know each other.

In English we have been exploring the story Leon and The Place in Between, we have been recapping, nouns, verbs and adverbs. We have begun work on incorporating Adverbial Phrases into our sentences.

In Maths we have been exploring Place Value within 1000 using such methods as part-whole models and place value grids.

We will continue this focus in Maths and English next week.

In Science we have begun our work on Plants, on Friday we were exploring the role of 'Roots' and why they are important. (See photos below)

In PHSE were were thinking about our special people and our relationships with them.

AR quizzes were taken this week and most children should have brought a new book home with them.

Please return reading records and homework on Fridays.

PE is Mondays and Fridays.

We had a fantastic session on the BMX bikes on Monday too!

I am very proud of all the children have achieved this week and I'm looking forward to the week ahead.

Ms Evans, Mrs Scott and Mrs Thomas.

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